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Only hereirritation after shaving bikini not soon pass, and to remove it not so easy. It is much easier to prevent backfire.
One of the easiest ways - stop shave in this area. The method is certainly effective, except that it will not all. In any case, those who might prefer this method for a long time on it and stopped and read this article because it unnecessarily. Is that in the event that they want to find a way out of this situation.
Therefore, the transition to the following prevention methods. First, you need to shave the hair properly. Before you start to shave bikini, wet area with warm water, or even better - to shave the hair immediately after a warm bath or shower. With this procedure, the hairs will become a little softer. The next step - the use of appropriate tools for shaving. Modern cosmetology, fortunately, do not forget about such an important and personal time, as shaving sensitive places on the body of a woman. And now sells a variety of gels and foams used for such purposes. And thanks to such fundsirritation after shaving bikini will be much less pronounced.
And now the most crucial moment - just shaving. Hair should be removed only in the direction in which they grow, that is, from top to bottom. Certainly, the results from shaving will be slightly worse, but irritation and will not be, and if it appears, then not so pronounced. Also, do not forget about the final touch - be sure to use immediately after shaving a special tool that will help relieve redness - lotion or cream after shaving. Many girls miss this moment, but in vain - because the effect of the use of these funds wonderful.
Sometimes, however, is that you have done everything we could, but there was redness. In this case, you need to think about how toget rid of the irritation after shaving. Very good in this situation can help cosmetics, which include hormones. For example, it hydrocortisone cream or ointment. Recommended oil cream affected areas immediately after shaving. Generally hormonal agents have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, very well remove redness. Hydrocortisone also able to significantly narrow the blood vessels and, hence, to the affected area will get much less blood, and hence minimal redness. But all too often resort to such methods is still not worth it. Maximum - can use hydrocortisone ointment or cream two or three times.
More frequent use of hormonal simply counter. There may be a complication of difficult, for example, to develop in this area pustules or injury. Reuse hormonal agent locally only a few days. Consider, if you will apply topically hormonal daily, may develop addiction, thenget rid of the irritation after shaving is practically impossible.
Another way in which it will be much easierget rid of the irritation after shavingIs the frequent change of razor blades. This is due to the fact that disposable machines themselves shave their hair very close to the body. If they are stupid or not too clean, then there is a risk, respectively, significantly injured and not very clean with the blade fall on irritated skin microorganisms, causing even more irritation. Disposable machines can be used not more than two or three times. In this case, you need to keep them perfectly clean. If any of these conditions you do not perform, then safely dispose of the machine and take a new one.
Another way to preventirritation after shaving bikiniIs the use of electric shavers. After shaver shaved skin is much smoother, but the irritation from their use is minimal.
And finally, if you oftenirritation after shaving bikini using disposable tools, then you should try the special creams designed to remove unwanted vegetation from the surface of the body. These drugs are much less sensitive injure hair follicles than ordinary machines, and therefore will be much less irritation. The only downside of these creams is their excessive pahuchest. But it's probably better to suffer some unpleasant smell of hours than in vain to fight with irritation in the bikini area.
Julia Ivanova
Women's magazine JustLady