The black dots represent nothing more than a clogged sebum and impurities sebaceous ducts. Black dots in some cases degenerate into deep pimples and inflammation, they interfere with the breathing of the skin. That is why it is important to deal with them, not only because of aesthetic reasons. Nose - a central part of the T-zone, which is especially common sebum. As of oily skin made "blame" the failure of the hormonal system, poor nutrition or care.
To reduce the oiliness of the skin, you need to eat right - bad work of the digestive system makes skin dull, rough and porous. Eat cereals, nuts, be sure to Eat breakfast oatmeal, drink dairy products and plenty of fluids - and your skin will be transformed. Good for the regulation of sebum and vitamin B, its a lot of rye bread and cereals. This vitamin helps to overcome stress so - is not the most recent factors affecting the poor condition of the skin.
There are many ways to get rid of existing sebaceous plugs. Fairly effective way is a salon cleaning, manual or hardware. Consider the benefits of both options. Manual cleaning (often called "mechanical") is good in dealing with deep, local and long existing black spots. Skin warm up and prepare special trains, and then remove the cork using a special apparatus. The downside of such cleaning blackheads is some trauma - about three days you will see redness on the nose. To maintain the purity of the skin well regularly use ultrasonic cleaning about once a month. They do not injure the skin, massaging it and improve internal circulation. The pores close, and pollution, as it were "pushed" under the influence of ultrasonic waves. Fruit peels can be recommended young men and women of almost all ages - it promotes active skin renewal and narrow pores.
At home, the same conditions it is possible to steam the skin regularly, it is better if with herbal extracts. Excellent fit for these purposes handful of chamomile or oak bark - they can be found in the pharmacy. These agents have a disinfecting and astringent expressed and contributes to narrowing and then purified by black dots. After steaming (about 7-10 minutes) you can slightly suppress the grease tube. However, ensuring their hands full sterility, wiping them with an alcohol lotion. After the cleaning process is good to rub an ice cube face (again, better with herbs) and grease moisturizing cream.
In daily care, try to give preference to an easy but effective wetting agents, non-aggressive gels and facial wash and nekomedogennym basics of makeup. Try to choose a powder mineral-based and dial face cream should be just for oily skin. Wash your face with a soft brush better every night, paying particular attention to the T-zone.