If the problem is caused by a fungal infection will be assigned antifungal creams and ointments. When the cause is not associated with any disease, prescribe medications containing vitamin A. In the absence of contraindications, you can use the methods of traditional medicine.
Take 10 ml of vinegar, vegetable oil and glycerol. All mix thoroughly. Means put on your heels, cover with plastic film and put on socks. In the morning, rinse with warm water.
If you are concerned about other than dry cracked heels, you can use the following tool. Take in equal proportions heated beeswax, paraffin, and salicylic acid. All the ingredients mix well and apply on the affected area. Give a little dry and apply another layer. Secure the bandage. In the morning, take a bath soap and soda. It is not recommended to use a pumice stone, it is best to use a scrub for the feet.
You can use a bath. Take a tablespoon of flax seed, chamomile flowers and marigold herb St. John's wort, nettle leaves. All components mix thoroughly. Two tablespoons of the prepared mixture pour a liter of water and leave for an hour. Then strain and pour the infusion into a bowl with warm water. Apply this procedure 2-3 times a week. In any case, needs a daily skin care feet.