Visit the office a good beautician is useful not only female. When you look at some of the men and wants to do a good deed: go up to him and give a business card competent expert. And it is proven to yourself - another may do worse.
So, you have a man. Familiar, native, perhaps even loved. And there is a problem. More precisely, the problem is not you, and this man. With the face. He just needs the services of a beautician, but he refuses to completely understand it. Maybe it was just shy. Or maybe he is firmly convinced that beauty treatments created exclusively for "vualizatsii" women's disadvantages.
And then there is a problem: to convey to him the opposite information and stir it with the principles of the hive.
Give him examples of well-known personalities. Surely there are public figures, which could become an authority for your man: politics, show-Men, big businessmen. Let faith in the word: on almost every face them regularly works good beautician.
Tell us how beautician procedures that it needs. Men like specifics. And clearly form a picture will help him assess the pros and cons of the process. It is quite possible that he's just afraid of the unknown.
Help the man to present the final result. If the procedure is a little pleasant promises, how can user friendly and colorful describe his verbal portrait of his face "after." If the procedure is quite "affectionate", you can compare it with sex. It is unlikely that he will continue to resist.
All men are different. And once you know which approach would be the best in your particular situation. It may be just enough to give a subscription to the office cosmetologist, and the young man happily rush to use it. Or maybe you need a special strategy for the implementation of which will take several months.