Paraffin Hand

Paraffin Hand
 Paraffin is considered one of the best treatments, which can make the skin moist hands, healthy and truly beautiful. Particularly relevant it becomes during the change of seasons, when your skin is dry, scaly, cracked and weather-beaten. After this session, the hands become more smooth, soft and tender.
 Paraffin baths are becoming more relevant among the fair sex. They perfectly nourish skin, heal minor cuts and cracks that eliminates dryness and flaking. These procedures can even prevent bone deformities. It is recommended to undergo paraffin once every three weeks.

Pre your skin is thoroughly cleaned using a peeling, thus removes dead skin particles, residues are removed with a soft towel. After purification procedure, the hands are lubricated with a special cream that will prevent the adhesion of wax on the skin. They were then dipped in warm, melted paraffin, wrapped in cellophane and put terry mittens. Fifteen minutes later, a film of wax is removed and carefully applied moisturizer for hands.

Some people think that paraffin can be carried out only under conditions of cosmetic salon. This procedure can also be performed at home. To do this, you must purchase a medical scented paraffin, which is sold in a pharmacy or a specialty store. Need a lot of material - 2.3 kg. Note that ordinary candle will not fit

For the classical procedure of paraffin wax, place in a bowl and heat on a water bath. Put your hands on plastic gloves and dip in a bowl with hot paraffin, hold for ten minutes. Paraffin perfectly warms hands, increasing blood circulation, improving skin elasticity and leveling it. The skin becomes soft, smooth and even after the first procedure paraffin, and the effect persists for a week or more.

There is another way paraffin at home. Melt two to three kilograms of pharmacy wax in a water bath so that the water spray were not included in this naughty stuff. While there is a gradual melt, prepare your hands to the procedure. With the help of a scrub, based on available grape or apricot milled seeds, clean skin. Then rinse it and wipe your hands with a soft towel, apply a moisturizer.

Before lowering the hands in paraffin, check the temperature of the back of his hand, to avoid the appearance of burns. Now you can start the procedure itself: lower your arms to the wrists in a container of paraffin and hold a few seconds. Remove and after ten seconds, and then dip the brush in the bowl. Such movements repeat 5-7 times, until hands are not yet covered with a thick layer of wax. Put a bag or plastic gloves on top - terry gloves. After 25-30 minutes, remove the gloves and remove the wax in the direction from the wrist to the fingers.

Tags: hand, the procedure, paraffin