Timely care of the skin of the neck is able to stop the process of change for many years. Ideally, skin care should begin with a 25-year-old. After 30 years in the skin needs special care, more intensive. The most simple to use and effective in preserving the elasticity and youthful skin is a mask for the neck of natural products with biological extracts and with the addition of salt.
For the neck skin useful the same mask as for the skin, and they should be imposed at the same time capturing the neck line, then groomed neck will not stand out from the well-groomed face.
Fruit and berry masks are easy to use and quite varied. They can be applied in the form of juice, rubbing the skin of the neck and face, can be applied to the pulp for a few minutes and then rinse with cool water. If the skin is dry before using the mask, the skin must be lubricated with a thin layer of natural vegetable oil. For oily skin, the mask is better to combine with a few drops of lemon juice.
Strawberry - whitens and rejuvenates.
Raspberry - smoothes wrinkles.
Banana - softens and smoothes wrinkles.
Sandthorn - vitaminiziruet and gives a beautiful color.
Peach and apricot - softens and envelops.
Vegetable masks can also be used as the juice or pulp. For dry skin, vegetables can be combined with vegetable oil or sour milk products. For oily skin, well add lemon juice mask, bran and egg white.
Potato (raw) - smoothes.
Potato (boiled) - softens.
Carrot - nourishes, rejuvenates and gives the skin a beautiful color.
Squash - wrinkles.
Tomato - has anti-inflammatory effect.
Honey mask can be used alone or in combination with milk, egg, butter.
Very good effect on the skin of the neck has a massage with honey. Because the skin of the neck is thinner, to prevent it from stretching is not used very thick honey, which applied a thin layer on the skin. Massage is done with fingertips, jerky movements of the skin.
Oil and salt packs are very useful for the skin of the neck. Regular their application softens the skin and gives it elasticity.
At 0, 5 liters of water (37-38ºS) add three teaspoons of salt and soaked in salt solution towel is applied to the neck for 30-40 sec., Alternating with applying a towel soaked in cold water, then you can put the cream and oil or more mask (protein, lemon, honey, etc.).
Linen cloth impregnated with heated vegetable oil until 37-38ºS and applied to the front of the neck for 15 minutes. Superimposed on top of the fabric parchment or oilcloth and fixed towel or bandage. Remains of oil soaked paper towel.
Any mask neck gives the skin smoothness, softness and prolongs its youth, most importantly, that this concern has been a regular on the skin.