How to whiten the skin folk remedies

How to whiten the skin folk remedies
 With the arrival of spring, many women begin to get rid of unpleasant pigment and "liver" spots and freckles, whitening the skin in different ways. However, this is not quite correct, because the staining is due primarily to the work of the internal organs. That is why you must first conduct a survey of the organism, and only then begin to skin whitening folk remedies.
 Excellent tool for skin whitening are lemon juice and decoction of fresh parsley. They must be used very carefully, so as not to dry up the skin. Finely chop the stems and leaves of parsley, pour boiling water and let it cool a little. Wipe your face with cold decoction 1-2 times a day. You can also wipe the face with a slice of lemon. Remember that after these procedures must be applied to the skin moisturizing nourishing cream.

Especially popular among the skin whitening recipes folk medicine uses yeast mask. Take 25 grams of yeast and dissolve them with hydrogen peroxide to obtain a creamy mass. Apply it on your face and hold for a few minutes.

Bleaching properties have berry mask. Select for this purpose such berries, like strawberries, strawberry or blackberry.

In the spring you can prepare an excellent bleaching agent of the young dandelions. Take 200 g of crushed plants and the Gulf of boiling water, boil a little water bath. Strain the broth and wipe the skin such as at least 1 time per day. In winter you can use the juice of sauerkraut.

Well helps mask of lemon and honey. Mix lemon juice with two tablespoons of fresh honey nezasaharennogo. The resulting mixture soak Chenopodiaceae strips and put them on the face. Keep the mask for at least 15-20 minutes, then repeat 2-3 times at intervals of 5 minutes. Then rinse your face with warm water and apply it on the cream or nourishing cream. It is recommended that this procedure 2-3 times a week.

If you have dry skin, you can use a mixture of lemon juice and 3% hydrogen peroxide. Wipe your face with it for 3 minutes, then make a mask of sour cream.

Bleaching action has a mask of fresh cucumber and parsley. Mix a small amount of grated cucumber with mashed parsley and apply to the face with a thin layer, minute 30. Then rinse with warm water and spread a skin moisturizer.

Quickly whiten the skin will sour milk. Moisten it gauze bandages, gently squeeze them and put them on the face. At the end of half an hour, remove the strips and blot the face with a cotton pad or cloth.

Mix 10 ml of water, the juice of one lemon, egg white and 10 grams of sugar and put on a thin layer of skin. Do such a mask to no more than 1 time in 2-3 days. For effective whitening procedures should be performed 5-7.

Good washing helps milk, both fresh as well as frozen cubes. The person then rinsed with water, it is desirable not to increase the effect of milk. This procedure is particularly useful in the morning, she successfully replace traditional washing water.

Try as you can spend less time in the sun and remember that none of these methods will not achieve lasting effect if you do not protect your skin from UV rays.

Tags: skin, face, means for whitening