How to remove sagging skin

How to remove sagging skin
 Woman wants to have an elastic delicate skin, but often they see that it has become loose. And it may be due to age or other causes, such as rapid weight loss, sedentary work, etc. In order to remove sagging skin, you need to make a lot of effort.
 Immediately I must say that there is no magic solution - a cream or pill that will solve this problem. Prepare to be that you have to work hard, and basically - physically.

Leather - elastic body, and bring it to the tone can improve blood circulation. And for this there is no better means than physical activity. Begin to play sports, dancing, swimming, long walks arrange themselves, give up the elevators.

On problem areas to focus on. If there was a flabby hand, perform exercises that strengthen the hands if the contrary is the "jelly" appeared at the waist or on the inside of the thighs, then increase the load on these places.

Do massage. If possible, visit a professional masseur, if not - it does not matter, you can master the technique on their own. Massage of problem areas can be done both hands, and with a stiff brush or scouring pads made of natural material - loofah, sponge, natural bristle. If you combine a morning shower with massage using nourishing and moisturizing gel or rub the body with natural essential oils, you will achieve excellent results. Massage increases blood flow and oil nourish the skin with nutrients, making it softer and smoother.

Do not forget that the skin should be well hydrated. If she has a dry appearance, then it slowed metabolism, its elasticity decreases. Therefore, be sure to use a moisturizing cream or gel for the body. Perfect citrus extracts, or seaweed, or Dead Sea salts.

To enhance the effect of all of these recovery tools also use elastic wraps. You can do both in the salon and at home. You can buy commercial products, or you can use the most simple products, such as honey, chocolate, cocoa and cream. Apply to the problem areas composition (first heating), and then her usual Wrap with cling film and cover something warm. Half an hour later wash away the mask, a massage, then apply a moisturizer.

Tags: skin, face care, aging