How to improve skin tone

How to improve skin tone
 With age and under the influence of adverse factors, the skin begins to lose tone. To increase it, you need to eat right, maintain a healthy lifestyle, to use natural cosmetics.

Helps maintain skin toned douche. Start showering you need with warm water, then lower the temperature a bit. Stand under the cool stream should be 10 seconds Last pouring should be cool. After the procedure, you need to immediately rub yourself with a towel.

Elasticity of the skin can be returned by regularly visiting the bath or sauna. It is useful to carry out a self-massage bath with salt and honey. Interacting with steam, these components contribute to the intensive removal of toxins and wastes from the body.

A pinch of salt to mix with a little honey and a circular motion to massage the body. Then you should go to the steam room and a little broom hover skin after rinse with warm water body.

Improve the tone of skin, you can use honey mask. Take 1 tsp liquid honey, mix with the egg yolk and 1 tsp glycerol. Apply the mask on for 20 minutes.

To return elasticity can use strawberries. A few berries should mash well and mix with 2 tablespoons sour cream. Apply the mask on for 10-15 minutes, then remove the wet cotton pad.

Refreshing effect has a cucumber mask. Grate cucumber, mush put on the face, remove after 20 minutes.

Good tones the skin rubbing aloe juice. Aloe leaf should be kept in a dark, cool place for 14 days. Then remove with one hand and rub the skin purified leaf face and neck.

Useful for skin contrasting compresses, they help to raise the tone of the skin after a sleepless night, disease, overwork. Before the procedure, a person must be lubricated with a nourishing cream.

Take two cups - with hot and cold water, two small towels. First, one towel soak in hot water, wring out, cover them face for a few seconds. Do the same with a second towel, wet it only in cold water. Alternate towels several times.

Tags: skin, face, tone