How to foot bath

How to foot bath
 Foot bath - a great tool that can help out in many cases life. They are perfectly clean, tone, soothe tired legs and improve your skin. But in order to get the desired effect, do foot bath must be properly, accurately following the recommendations of experts.

Different recipes baths for feet, there is a huge amount. Depending on the underlying purpose distinguish cleansing, healing, toning, contrast, tempering bath. Yet they should be systematically for a long time, since one single event no special benefit is not.

Foot baths are carried out as follows: a shallow basin filled with water the desired temperature, depending on the type of procedure it is added essential oils, herbal teas, and other salt components. The feet sink into the solution to a depth slightly extends to the ankle and aged between 10 and 30 minutes. Then wiped his feet dry as humidity attracts fungus, and lubricated with a nourishing cream.

In addition to cosmetic purposes foot bath effective for colds. In this case, the water should be hot, but not scalding. As an additive can be used dry mustard, which stimulates blood flow to the legs and intense heating of the whole organism resulting in reduced inflammation. After warming up on the bath legs, wear warm socks or tights.

Contrast baths are not only excellent hygienic and tempering means, but also significantly reduce the sweating of the feet. When adding this decoction oak bark, the effect will be more pronounced. Edema and general fatigue well help baths with the addition of sea salt or baking. A solution is prepared based two tablespoons of salt per liter of water. Good tonic effect can be achieved by adding a salt bath or pine extract a few drops of essential oil of eucalyptus, pine, mint.

It is important to remember that no matter how useful and harmless procedures were not foot bath, they still have a number of contraindications to be considered. In particular, the hot foot bath can not be done for people suffering from hypertension, varicose veins, kidney and cardiovascular diseases. Just contraindicated warms baths at high temperature.

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