Hands need to pay special attention to the coming of spring, when our fingers finally released from captivity gloves. Do not forget that the spring beriberi affects not only the hair and skin of the face, but also on the nails and skin of the hands. To make your hands soft and supple again, you can walk on the different treatments in the salon, and you can take care of our fragile fingers with the help of home remedies. Women's magazine JustLady provides you with the latest version. You can helphomemade mask for the hands and baths for hands, Which are and will continue it.
First things first, you need to do - stop washing your hands with cold and hot water. In the first case, it will peel off, and the second - will become flabby. Wash your hands in warm water only with a mild soap or foam. After washing, immediately dab hand towel and lubricate nourishing cream or your favorite vegetable oil (in the journal JustLady you will find a lot of advice about what oil is suitable for moisturizing and softening the skin).
As for hand creams, remember, what components to look for when choosing a cream:
• To choose a moisturizing cream with aloe;
• To eliminate the irritation and dryness strong - with glycerol;
• For disinfection - with chamomile;
• To restore the skin and accelerate cell regeneration - with Vitamin F.
If you do a lot of work with your hands, and you notice that the skin was dark, hardened and flaky, you will need to focus all efforts on making the skin silky and smooth. Unfortunately, the cream is not always possible, but regularhomemade masks for hands will help you. For example, it is possible to prepare the lotion honey. To do this, add half a cup of water 2 tbsp glycerin, 1/4 ch. L. borax and 1/2 hours. l. honey. This mixture before bedtime lubricate hands and leave it overnight. Remarkably softens the skin and pink lotion: in the same amount of water, add 2 tbsp. l. rose petals, leave to infuse for a while. Then add 1 tbsp. l. glycerol and 10 drops of ammonia.
Incidentally, somehomemade masks for hands can be used for rough skin on the elbows. For example: whisk the egg yolk with oil, add a little flour to the mask does not melt, and put on his elbows. Wash off after 10 minutes. Another embodimenthomemade masks for handsSuitable for elbows - yolk, beaten with honey.
Apart Fromhome masks for hands useful to massage the palm of your hand. It is not difficult, but the result is excellent. If your skin is dry and rough, massage is better to do with oil. For example, a good option - linseed oil. Pour a little oil on your palm, and, starting with the fingertips, rub your hands until the brushes. If the skin is cracked, it will help them heal castor oil - carefully massage them every finger, and after a few treatments, you will notice a stunning result: skin will be soft and gentle, and cracks heal. Very good effect has good old oatmeal: Boil it, add the vegetable oil (any of your choice), a little honey, a good rub mixture. Get natural moisturizing and nourishing hand cream. It is desirable to hold it on hands for several hours.
Journal JustLady advises you to make regular andbaths for hands - Is not only a pleasant and relaxing treatment, but also very useful for the skin.
For example, the simplest recipe: when you cook the potatoes, water after it pour, and wait until it cools down, and hold hands for 15 minutes in the water. Of course, if you cook the potatoes in their skins, it should be rinsed thoroughly from dirt. For chapped, over-dried hands with calluses and cracks very good suchbath for hands - 1 hr. L. ammonia and 1 tbsp. l. 2 liters of glycerol. of warm water. Very helpful bath with oatmeal, as well as from the infusion of herbs - 1 liter of water 1 tbsp. spoonful of chamomile, lime blossom, sage. It is useful to make the bath with a decoction of the bark and wild cherry. If the hands turn red, then you will be contrastingbaths for hands2-3 minutes hold hands first with hot water, and then for 2-3 minutes in the cold. So to repeat 4-5 times.
Those with palms sweat a lot, even in winter, the magazine advises JustLady often dobaths for hands with vinegar or table salt (per liter of water one tablespoon of vinegar or one teaspoon of salt). Water should be a comfortable temperature. In such a bath is recommended to hold the palm of 5-10 minutes. Very helpful baths for hands with sea salt: 1 liter of warm water 200 grams of sea salt. After the bath Grease hands with vegetable oil. Can prepare a decoction of oak bark: 3 liters of water to 50 g of grass.
Finally a few tips from the magazine JustLady: if the street is a strong wind or cold weather, better watch out your hands and wear gloves. House cleaning, laundry and dishwashing also recommended that you wear protective gloves. These simple tips will help you take care of your skin. Neat, soft and delicate skin of hands, beautiful manicure - and your pens just perfect!
Alice Terentyeva