10 steps to beautiful skin at home

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 Modern women are more likely to trust the care of their beauty professionals. But do not forget that in addition to salons and spas, there are many home treatments for face and body. After all, they are easy to use, effective, accessible. Even star beauties admit that the pleasure of enjoying homemade recipes, protecting thus your karma from the influence of outsiders.
 Return to skin a healthy radiant appearance will cornmeal. You must apply it to wet the skin, easy to massage for 5-10 minutes and rinse with water. This recipe often uses actress Lucy Liu, because corn is rich in vitamins A, B complex, as well as valuable amino acids and mineral salts. In addition to refreshing effect, flour deeply cleanses the skin, nourishes and improves skin tone.

For washing and bathing ideal mineral sparkling water. It contains trace elements have a tonic effect, helping to protect the skin against aggressive environmental influences.

For recovery after exercise Madonna prefers baths with sea salt. Iodine, calcium, iron and other elements dissolved in warm water, great relieve swelling, excessive tension in the muscles and joints, as well as stimulate the cleavage of subcutaneous fat, improves skin elasticity.

Actress Jennifer Garner loves wraps with clay. Every girl can easily follow suit. It requires only put wet clay on areas requiring a point of care, shrink-wrapped and wait 20 minutes. The result is a damp, purified, smoother skin. For oily skin prone to suit blue clay, green - back to life tired, lost her skin tone, and kaolin clay and black at all universal.

Magic herbal mask, consisting of four parts colorless henna and one of the concoctions, can work wonders. Connect these components, dilute with warm water, apply to the skin. After 5-10 minutes, do a light massage and rinse off the mask. Bodyaga reduces dark spots, struggling with acne, provides drainage of deep layers of the skin, and the henna is responsible for its hydration, nutrition, softness and silkiness. After applying the mask possible residual effect as a light tingling. However, when the thin skin hypersensitive to vasodilatation better to confine one henna.

Useful fruit masks can be prepared from a mixture of blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, suitable for these purposes and mashed avocado. Mix the components offered in any proportion, grind by hand or in a blender, put on clean skin for 5-10 minutes. Berry mix of vitamin C, flavonoids, fruit acids strengthens fragile capillary walls and promotes the synthesis of new collagen bonds. Mask Avocado stamina skin because it contained fatty acids, vitamin E and carotene.

After visiting the bath or sauna just need salt peeling, which removes toxins and smoothes the skin's surface. Actress Natalya Varley advises add salt sour cream: it provides whitening, nourishing and softening effect. It should be remembered that the peel is applied only on the steamed out skin and sensitive skin, he just will not do.

Contrast soul knows everything. And still it remains highly relevant tool for strengthening the immune system, stimulate the skin and muscle tone, protect against neuroses. By the way, douches really like Nicole Kidman. It is necessary for 15 minutes to 15 seconds, alternated with warm water (about + 38 ° C) with a cool (about 28 ° C). And a morning shower, start with warm water and cool finish. In the evening - in the opposite order, or there might be problems with falling asleep.

Herbal solves the problem of all skin types: dry, dehydrated, sensitive, fat, wilting. A handful of rose petals (mint, oregano, lemon balm), pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes and add the warm water.

Slow down the aging process, moisturize, improve the texture and appearance of the skin can milk-honey baths. To start make easy peeling sugar honey, and within 15-20 minutes take a bath at the rate of 1 liter of milk 2-3 tablespoons of honey. At the request of a bath can not be diluted with water. Honey contains vitamins and phytoestrogens, milk - a full range of essential amino acids.

Tags: leather, domestic, condition, beauty, care, step recipe