There are three types rid of age spots: folk medicine, professional care and impact on skin cells. If the problem is only scheduled to be fine mask with parsley, cucumber water or wiping dairy products, has a slight bleaching effect. If the pigmentation on your face is not a systematic process, and color spots are not too different from the tone of your skin, give preference to professional care, which involves treatment with specially designed creams, masks, serums, having in its composition of active antioxidants that protect cells from toxic impacts and blocking the formation of melanin.
Highly DERMATOLOGY procedures are designed to actively affect the deeper layers of skin. These methods include chemical peels, cryotherapy, photorejuvenation.
With the help of fruit acids were superficial peeling, which removes the top layer of skin. More traumatic procedure is deep peeling conducted using salicylic acid, but after such a procedure smoothes wrinkles, evens the complexion.
Remove age pigmentation can be resorted to the method of cryosurgery or cold produced by liquid nitrogen. The most effective and safest method of influence on age spots is resurfacing. After the session, small wrinkles are removed, there is stimulation of the synthesis of collagen and elastin, fade age spots.
As for the hair, the fall will be able to recover them with the help of head massage, Keraterm, moisture, nutrient serum and molecular Biolaminirovanie polishing. Supplemented by a set of procedures is possible, using a haircut hot scissors, when the ends of the hair "sealed" with the help of heat.