They constitute means for an aqueous or oily base, in which the composition - bioactive substances of high concentration. The intensity and concentration of serums should not scare you: Let serum for sensitive skin, and for people with allergies. The main thing - to study the composition and choose hypoallergenic products. The main advantage of sera - their purposeful, point impact.
Sera are varied: for face, body and hair, moisturizes, nourishes, seboreguliruyuschie (for oily skin), whitening, anti-aging and many others. It is worth noting that the serums that are sold in stores are different from those used in professional salons, a lower concentration of biologically active substances. This is done for the safety of their use in the home. Issued serum, usually in ampoules or miniature bottles.
Some beauticians recommend serum after applying cream to fix the result. But today manufacturers produce mainly serum-monoproduct that do not require the use of any additional funds. One or two drops on his face - and the result will not take long. If you do combine means it should be done cautiously. Compare formulations: because of incongruous ingredients applied simultaneously serum and cream can harm.
Please note: you must use any serum courses - from 10 days to two weeks, no more. Apply their best massaged. You can even use special equipment. It is also worth noting that the vast majority of sera produced - except seboreguliruyuschih and Boris with acne or blackheads - are intended for mature skin.