The skin around the eye is almost no fat. It is 4 times thicker than other areas of the face and body. However, a considerable strain on the eyes. The day we more than 10 000 times Morgan, in addition to this we squinting, laughing, crying, apply makeup. Now think for yourself - on a thin delicate skin as much load as to any other portion of the body.
To help our skin, we are obliged to follow her, cherish and nurture it. Performing the most basic rules of care for her, we should not forget about cosmetics. After all, every day skin literally breathes it. So what should be qualitative cosmetics is not even discussed.
But how to choose quality cosmetics - an interesting question. The first thing to look at the expiration date. If the date indicated on the package has expired, it is better not to use cosmetics. It is also necessary to consult with specialists before use of a cream. Ingredients used in cosmetic products may not be suitable for your skin and will only hurt her. In addition, choosing a cream for the skin around the eyes, it is better to give preference to those producers who have long proved themselves in the market. Experimental work - a costly event, so some unscrupulous companies try to avoid these costs and sell goods in the market, not spending enough research on the subject of security.
It is also necessary to remember that the words "hypoallergenic" does not mean that it is not cosmetic allergy. Just a hypoallergenic cream uses less perfume (or not used at all), and other components that can cause allergies. Degree hypoallergenic each manufacturer defines himself as not yet invented a single standard for determining it. Therefore, a girl with very sensitive skin is better to use only proven means, especially when it comes to the eyes, or seek the advice of a dermatologist or cosmetologist.
To find out whether you fit one or another expensive cream, you can start to buy a sampler, use it and make sure that this cream is worth buying.
To secure Eyes decorative cosmetics include mineral based cosmetics. There is a fully mineral makeup and cosmetics with added minerals. If you have swollen eyelids and tears streaming down every time you apply make-up, it does not mean that you are using bad cosmetics, but it's a sign that you have sensitive eyes. In this case you should try using mineral makeup.
Skin should be cared for on a regular basis and pamper it with quality. After all, what we put into it now will pay off in the future other than radiant appearance.