In category Beauty: procedure Sharko shower
In recent years, one of the most effective ingredients in anti-cellulite composition iscoffee. And today we want to offer you some recipescoffee scrubs and wrapsWhich can easily prepare and use at home.
As is known, coffee activates metabolism, gives the body energy, cleanses the body of toxins. It also contains anti-oxidants and skin are required elements such as magnesium, potassium, iron and manganese. All this allowscoffee actively fight fat deposits and cellulite.
Before any cosmetic procedures is recommended to clean the body. This is best done with scrubs - they exfoliate dead skin cells, improve blood circulation in the tissues, open pores, allowing the active substances to penetrate deeper into the problem areas.
And of course, it is best to use a scrub with natural ingredients - and the skin healthier and often more profitable for the price.Coffee scrubsThat you can cook yourself, deeply cleanse and smooth the skin, making it soft and silky, will have anti-cellulite effect.
Coffee Scrub with yogurt
Thoroughly dry the coffee grounds. Then add the yogurt (or heavy cream) at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. on the grounds of Article 3. l. yoghurt. The mixture was put on the body and massage for 5-10 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and lubricate the skin nourishing and anti-cellulite cream. This recipe is suitable for deep exfoliation and smoothing the skin.
Coffee Scrub noodles
For this recipe you will need the coffee grounds and shower gel, best odorless or with a faint aroma. Add a teaspoon of coffee grounds per 100 ml of gel and use the mixture during water treatment.
You may want to replace the thick of fresh ground coffee, only when it is necessary to bear in mind that too coarsely can scratch the skin, and too thin will have a weaker exfoliating effect.
Coffee scrub with aromatic oil
Take a couple of teaspoons of coffee grounds, add a tablespoon of sour cream and three drops of essential oil. Mix well and apply the mixture to massage mitt or sponge. Process body for five minutes. This recipe is suitable to nourish the skin and make it silky.
Honey and coffee refreshing scrub
For one teaspoon of natural ground coffee, add two teaspoons of olive oil and a teaspoon of honey. This recipe is suitable not only for the body but also for dry skin.
Honey and coffee nourishing scrub
Mix coffee grounds with a tablespoon of honey and three drops of olive oil. Add one raw egg and mix well. This scrub to cleanse and tone the skin, helps to remove toxins.
Coffee and salt scrub
To make this scrub you need ground coffee, sea salt, a little shower gel, a few drops of essential oils and aromatic base oils with anti-cellulite effect. If you have very sensitive skin, replace sea salt and sugar.
Mix all ingredients until smooth, put on the body and massage the problem areas for about 5 minutes. This recipe cleanse the skin and helps prevent the appearance of cellulite.
Anti-Cellulite Coffee Scrub
This recipe is not suitable for everyone. It is composed of substances capable of causing allergies, so before you use it, make sure that you have no reaction to the ingredients. Also, be careful when using a scrub - do not allow the mixture to the mucous membranes in order to avoid burns.
So, take 100 grams of green coffee beans and grind them to a powder for producing light. By powder, add 30 ml of tincture of hot pepper (you can buy ready-made at the pharmacy). If, after stirring, the mixture will turn out dry, add a little olive oil or vegetable oil.
Mix well, close the lid and put in a dark place for 7 days. After insisting it can be used during water treatment. Apply scrub only need to problem areas and massage until a light redness. Then scrub wash off with warm, then cool water. After wiping grease or anti-cellulite skin nourishing body cream.
One of the most enjoyable and effective proceduresanti-cellulite wraps is. In the beauty salon offers a range of treatments using a variety of active substances to burn fat uluchayuschih blood and lymph circulation, tightens and smoothes the skin.
However, if you want you can make such a house wrap, more importantly, to follow some rules. As already mentioned, before the procedure the skin should be clean and well better do it with the use of scrub. Mixtures for wraps must be carefully mixed to a homogeneous mass was, had no lumps and was quite wet, so easily applied to the body, but do not drain.
After the application of the therapeutic composition of the body is wrapped with plastic wrap - it is convenient to use the food sold in rolls. To enhance the effect you need to wear warm clothes or cover with a warm blanket. During the procedure, you can relax or exercise.
If you decide to makehot wrapMake sure that it will not contraindicated. Those who are cardiovascular disease, varicose veins, gynecological problems better to docold wraps. Not worth the risk during pregnancy.
After the procedure you need to thoroughly wash off makeup and apply body cream. Usually wraps spend 2-3 times a week, the course is 10-12 procedures.
And now we offer you coffee wraps recipes for home use.
Honey and coffee body wrap
The simplest, but nevertheless quite effective recipe is prepared as follows. Mix some honey with ground coffee coarse. Apply the mixture on the problem areas and wrap film. Escape warmer thick rug or blanket and lie down for 30-40 minutes.
Coffee wrap with aromatic oil
Ground organic coffee mixed with aromatic oil, has anti-cellulite effect. This may be the oil of grapefruit, bitter orange, or any other of your choice.
Coffee wrap with white clay
To prepare the mixture you need coffee or caffeine. Last available over the counter in the form of tablets or vials.
Clay diluted in water to a warm and mushy state are added caffeine. If you intend to use ground coffee, dissolve three tablespoons of the powder a little milk. The mixture was put on the problem areas, then wrap the foil and cover up the heat.
Coffee wrap with pepper
Pretty effective remedy for cellulite, because it includes two are the most effective ingredient - coffee and red pepper. Take honey and coffee grounds in a ratio of 1: 2, add to this a tablespoon of red pepper, mix well. If you suspect that your skin is sensitive enough, reduce the amount of pepper half.
Coffee wrap with blue clay
This recipe is fairly complex in composition, but if you do decide to try this action wraps on itself, certainly not regret it.
To prepare the mixture you will need three tablespoons of fucus and horsetail. Bladder Peremel good on a coffee grinder, add horsetail and pour boiling water until the mixture turn into mush. Then let it infuse for 30 minutes and add 3 tbsp. l. blue clay, one vial of caffeine and three drops of cinnamon oil. The warm mixture was put on the body, turn around the film and take cover heat or wear.
Here are the most popular and effectiverecipes coffee scrubs and wrapsI hope you will be able to choose the right recipe.
Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady