Women, meanwhile, are trying to first set of so-called anti-aging creams, masks and serums. Realizing that this does not work, some stopped fighting wrinkles, others are turning to more serious means: Botox and plastic surgery.
But the problem is that these procedures are not only physically extremely unpleasant and painful, but require constant repetition rates. But this big cash costs (by the way, one of the reasons why not all women turn to such drastic methods), and a health hazard. On top of that they have side effects and do not even give a 100% guarantee of its effectiveness. There are many cases where the results are not something that was not, but they were not what they were expecting any.
Gymnastics is not only for the body
For these reasons, not every woman will agree to take the risk. And many simply despair ever again see yourself young and beautiful. However, the output is very real, does not require any cash outlay. All that is required of you - is patience and a few minutes a day. The way I am talking about - not that other, as exercises for the face.
I already know how you will be surprised. However, the method can be easily explained and confirmed by many women to try it for yourself. In choosing a particular technique you are not limited to gymnastics: for it is written, a sufficient number of books with a detailed description of all exercises and even released a video program.
Action gymnastics for the face is simple: our face, as well as the body requires constant study of muscles. However, we rarely use them, although it may seem that way around. Yes, we will use some of the muscles in our face in everyday life, but it is almost nothing compared to how much muscle on her face really! And they will help to strengthen the skin tightening, improve blood supply and nutrition. After all, you know what exercises to tighten the loose skin of the body. So why do the exercises for the face can not help to achieve the same?
Some useful exercises
And now I bring for you some exercises to eliminate the most common problems of the female faces.
1. Exercise on smoothing nasolabial folds (by Carol Maddzhio)
The most common and early wrinkles - wrinkles, which are formed at the mouth. This exercise will allow you to build up the front and back muscles extend the nostrils, thus removing the nasolabial folds. Perform each exercise 2 times a day.
Imagine a point in the middle of the upper lip and the corresponding point - in the middle of the bottom. Open your mouth and pull the points from each other to mouth looked like a long oval clear. Lips pressed to the teeth. Index fingers of both hands to drive the nasolabial folds up and down very quickly as long as you feel a burning sensation. Exhale through the mouth.
2. Exercise on shortening the nose (by Carol Maddzhio)
With this exercise you will achieve the flow of oxygen in the upper lip and nose. Since the nose is growing among people all my life, at some point, it may be longer than you would like. This exercise will help in this situation. Furthermore, thinner nose makes it, enabling correct deficiencies unsuccessful angioplasty. Do it 2 times a day.
Index finger, lift up the nose tip. Get nose to bend down with the pulling down of the upper lip. Hold for a second in this position. Free lip. Repeat thirty-five times. Every time you need to feel like the tip of the nose pushes a finger.
3. Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the chin (as Eva Fraser)
This exercise will help eliminate flabby chin, which is also called "double" chin.
The middle of the lower lip and chin muscles begin to move down very small movements. Forefingers slightly push the middle of the chin. Now slide the lower lip and chin forward eight very small movements. Hold for 5 accounts and return to the original position eight slow movements. Relax. Repeat 3 times.
4. Exercise "giraffe" to strengthen the muscles of the neck (as Camille Voler)
Through this exercise, you restore the smoothness and elasticity of the skin on the neck, eliminate wrinkles.
Pull the lower jaw forward slightly while lifting the chin. Gradually increase the tension in your neck and chin. Count to five and relax. Repeat the exercise 15 times.
5. Exercise "bull" in the modeling of the forehead (by Camille Voler)
All the muscles of your face regain their elasticity. And the wrinkles on his forehead smoothed.
Place your index fingers above the eyebrows. Then try to move your fingers down his eyebrows. At the same time you need to move vigorously skin on the forehead up, but not pursing it. Increase the tension of the muscles of the forehead, count to five and relax. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
Repeat this exercise every day without interruption, patience, and the result is sure to appear! These exercises will not only help to cope with the existing wrinkles, but also prevent new ones. They do not require special efforts only a few minutes per day.
Muscle with age lose their tone and volume, worsening their food and oxygen supply, respectively, deteriorating nutrition and breathing of the skin, is closely related to the facial muscles: the skin becomes thinner, loses its elasticity and firmness. The result - a "crow's feet" around the eyes, furrows on the forehead, bleak deep furrow around the mouth, oval face spoils: the cheeks fall, forming a kind of "Bryl" emerges double, triple, etc. chin. Put up with this, of course, do not want to. And do not be! With regular employment is a restoration of muscle tone and increase their volume in, improves blood circulation and breathing muscles and skin associated with them.
Comment consultant:
Irina Sobolev, cosmetologist:
"With regular use of these exercises they give quite noticeable effect. It will be stronger in conjunction with self-massage point. Any complex used regularly, will give significant results "