But, unfortunately, the procedure pulling hairs with a thread quite painful. To slightly reduce the pain threshold, try to lubricate the skin with a piece of ice out of the freezer. Hold it a minute in the place where there is hair, and then wipe it and sprinkle talcum powder. The threads will not adhere to the skin, and you are easily grab thread.
But we can proceed in a different way. Just before you start the procedure for hair removal, try to soften the skin and hair roots. To do this, lubricate them with cream, and then attach to the right place a cotton swab dipped in warm water. You can also use herbal infusion, for example, sage and calendula - along with little to calm the skin. Soak cotton wool a few minutes, dry skin, and then proceed with the procedure.
You need to make a thread about 40 cm long. You can take a thick silk or cotton, but always smooth, good quality. Tie the ends of the thread - you should get a ring. Put it on your thumb and index finger of both hands. Then the fingers of one hand twist the thread a few times. You are formed like two rings, communicating with each other through the flagellum. When you expand a large and middle finger of one hand, on the other ring decreases as the harness is twisted in the wrong direction.
That's when he twisted, then captures hairs. You just have to approach the thread from the flagellum to the hairs on the skin and move the fingers, alternately pushing fingers then left, then right hand. Hair falling into whirling flagellum will pull out. You very quickly reach the necessary skill, and unnecessary vegetation removal procedure will not take much time.
Of course, you will immediately see the redness of the skin in places where there were hairs. To relieve irritation and protect themselves from falling into these mikroranki any infection, use one of the famous antiseptic preparations.
With this hair removal hair pulled out by the root, in contrast to the tweezers, which is often simply terminates. Repeat this operation may have to once a month, when the new hair to grow back. But each time you have to do it less and less, because their growth will slow down, they will become weak and thin.