If you feel heaviness in the whole body, as well as weight gain a few pounds, take douche. Temperature changes must first be smooth, then sharper. If you have a spare 20 minutes, take a cool bath with sea salt - it will help your body to wake up and get rid of unnecessary fluid. The water temperature should not exceed 32 degrees, otherwise you will be sleepy.
When swelling occurs only under the eyes, taking a bath is not necessary. Simply wash with cool water. Then wipe your face with a cotton pad soaked in green tea. If eyelids strongly swollen, the brew 2 packs of black tea in a glass of boiling water. Gently squeeze and apply on eyes for 5-7 minutes. Re-wash with cool water.
Slight diuretic effect has coffee, green tea, cranberry juice or cranberries, and a decoction of the leaves of parsley or dill (2 sprigs in a glass of boiling water). But if you travel far to work, it is best to take drinks already on the ground, as desires in a toilet will occur quite often.
At constant edema take diuretics or urological collection. Proper nutrition in this case necessarily. Pay to sleep at least 6-8 hours a day, because of lack of sleep occurs at a constant total failure of the whole organism. If the problem is not solved, go to the therapist. Doctor will you light a diuretic, which will output the excess fluid from the body.