How to apply cream on the face

How to apply cream on the face
 The facial skin is able to save for years to come youth and beauty, if you regularly take care of her - to protect, cleanse and nourish using creams. However, for flexibility and elasticity of the skin is not only the use but also the application of cream to the right person.
 The cream is well absorbed and maximum benefit, it should be applied only to cleansed skin, and it is necessary to take care of both the external and the internal of its purity. And to do this on a regular basis to exempt from accumulated toxins and salts using steam baths for the face (on grass) or weekly visits to the bath.

Nourishing cream is better to apply for 1-1 5 hours before bedtime and 30-40 minutes before going outdoors. Do not use cream right before bedtime because it does not have time to absorb into the skin and most of it will remain on the pillow. Also not recommended to apply a layer of cream fat, especially in the evening. This will lead to the evaporation of moisture and the transition cream in a thick consistency, not able to be absorbed properly, which ultimately cause skin irritation.

Before applying face cream better heat. That is first applied to the arm or the finger tips and then onto the skin. This eliminates the unpleasant sensation of cool and prevent the narrowing of blood vessels, prevents the absorption of the cream. And even if it is rubbed between the fingertips and then applied to the skin, it rests on its surface a uniform layer.

Do not apply the cream on the places where there was growth of coarse hair, such as the upper lip and chin. A use of hormonal creams in this case generally contraindicated since they further enhance vegetation.

Distribute the cream on the skin of the face must be jerky movements and percussive 2, 3, 4 th fingers. This produces the effect of massage, during which dilates blood vessels and increases blood flow to the optimal absorption of the cream. In no case can not apply the cream stretch the skin movements.

No less important to apply the cream along the lines of the face - from the middle of the forehead to the temples, from the nose to the sides of the nose, on the wings of the nose to the cheeks in a circular motion, from the outer corner of the eye to the inner corner (along the lower eyelid), from the corners of the mouth up to the cheeks, from the chin along the lower part of the face to the cheeks and the chin down to the neck.

For very dry skin or after a long period of using the cream several times a day is useful fortified products for the face. If after application on the skin after 20-30 minutes from it will evaporate, it is possible to put it again, but now only to the area of ​​wrinkles. Next, soak the excess cream with a paper towel.

Tags: skin, face cream coating