To perform the exercises you need to ventilate the room. Cream applied on the face is not necessary, since it would impede the passage of oxygen to the cells. Sit in a comfortable position and start to do the exercises for the face.
Pull forward lips, putting their straw as if for a kiss. Then drag the corners of her mouth in hand, smiling as much as possible. Combine these movements 5 - 6 times.
Throw my head back, pull forward lips. Give the impression that you kiss the sky. Hold position for 10 seconds.
Pull the lower jaw forward, sticking out his lower lip. Hold for 10 seconds.
Inflate cheeks. Laminating an air bubble between the cheeks and lips for 20 - 30 seconds.
The next exercise is called "playing the ears." Alternately tense and relax the muscles behind the ears. Perform each exercise for 10 seconds.
Close your eyes. Eyeballs rotate for 10 seconds clockwise and then 10 seconds counterclockwise.
Laugh as much as possible by stretching the corners of the lips. Then make a sad face, drooping corners of her mouth bottom. Mix these embodiments 5 - 7 times.
Maximum open your eyes, straining eye muscles. Then close your eyes and relax your muscles. Make 5 - 7 approaches.
Set the view to the right, then to the left. Follow the movement of the pendulum 10 seconds.
Pull the chin. Point it to the right, then turn left. Repeat 6 times in each direction.
Put your thumbs to his temples, the remaining 4 fingers are positioned near the eyebrows. Raise your eyebrows up, fingers simultaneously create resistance in the opposite direction. Then fingers gently smoothes the skin of the forehead from the center to the temples.
Chin resting on his chest, turn your head to the right, then back to the left. Maximum describes a circle first to one side of the 5 times, then the other.