How to do eye compress.
The first step is to clean the skin of varying age cosmetics, with which you took the whole day. It can be easily removed using a special tool designed to remove make-up: soak a cotton ball in it and soft movement from top to bottom, wipe mascara, shadows, decorative pencil.
Collyria can be prepared individually by mixing olive oil or castor oil with water. Prepare to apply a compress of gauze cloth or cotton pads. They need to be trained to infiltrate composition to compress, put the proceeds to the eyes, and the top covered with thick towel to keep warm. Keep compress no more than three minutes, it is necessary to rinse with cool water forever. Positive impact has alternating hot and cold compresses.
Cold compress.
Prepare a cosmetic ice cold compress. This will require a mix of chamomile and linden teas with mineral water and freeze. Before applying such a cube of ice to the eyes, wrap it in a fabric, the procedure: from 30 to 120 seconds. More to keep is not recommended as it can cause vasospasm. Cold compress eliminates pain in the eyes and relieves tension of the eye muscles.
Herbal compresses.
Decoctions of herbs such as chamomile flowers, linden and cornflower help not only to remove redness and eye fatigue, but also contribute to the treatment of barley. To prepare the broth, take 1st.l. herbs and pour boiling water 200 mm, hold on low heat for three minutes. Receipt of funds, wrap a towel or cloth tight and leave for 6 hours. For compresses a decoction is used in chilled, pre-strain through a sieve.
To improve the use of a decoction of the following herbs: chamomile drug, red clover, rose petals. Each ingredient required to take one teaspoon. Need to boil water and pour it resulting mixture, and then give a little brew. This compresses applied to the eyes, while he was still warm.
Applying several times a week these simple compresses your eyes remain healthy and you will always look fresh and rested.