As a result the skin in order

As a result the skin in order
 On the nose solemn event, and from the mirror you look tired woman with blue circles under his eyes and a gray, dull skin? Urgently needs to brush up! Take your skin a little time, and it will shine again health and freshness!
 Get rid of dark circles under the eyes will parsley. Cut a few leaves of parsley very finely, add a little fat sour cream, resulting mush apply on the area around the eyes. Fifteen minutes later, rinse with warm water. You will see the circles under my eyes have become practically invisible, and his eyes began to look brighter.

To get rid of the gray face, we must first thoroughly clean it. Dampen a towel in very warm water, wring out and apply on face. About two minutes later, when the towel begins to cool down, repeat the procedure. After the facial skin to steam, apply the scrub. You can use the shop, and can be made from semolina. Prepare two saucers. In one pour a little semolina, pour in another spoonful of unrefined olive oil. Dip your fingers into the oil first, then in the semolina and a circular motion gently clean the face. Repeat the process several times and rinse scrub the face with warm water. Munk will remove dead skin from the face of unwanted cells, and olive oil moisturize the skin and restore its elasticity and smoothness.

After the scrub is the time to use a mask. Masks can do almost any of the products that have in the fridge! Remarkably, if the house has sauerkraut. Squeeze a handful of cabbage in a bowl and get brine lubricate the face, avoiding the eye area. After 10-15 minutes, warm wash water. Sauerkraut is rich in vitamins and trace elements, which quickly returned light and fresh appearance of even the most tired and problem skin. If cabbage is not, make a mask of orange. Clean it from the skin, the flesh is very finely chop and put a lot on his face. Vitamin C skin tone will return in a few minutes.

Next, apply to face your usual nourishing cream. If you use makeup, apply a light makeup. Do not overdo it! Fresh, beautiful skin does not need kilograms of foundation and powder. It will suffice to emphasize the eyes and lip gloss touch.

Tags: skin, face, time, color, order, gray