The reasons for the appearance of wrinkles

The reasons for the appearance of wrinkles
 The appearance of wrinkles is most often associated with chronological aging of the skin. But how one manages to keep it healthy and beautiful for years to come, because for some anti-aging begins in youth. And all the matter in the inner state of the organism. Same person is only his reflection. But in order to prevent the appearance of wrinkles, it is necessary to know the basic reasons for their education.
 The main reason for the appearance of wrinkles are the problems with the gastrointestinal tract. If it is clogged with slags, gallbladder - Bilirubin plugs or stones, and goiter was the normal state of the intestine, the smooth skin of a healthy and you can not imagine. She will always have a flabby unhealthy appearance, and wrinkles appear on her before.

Dehydration of the skin and body - at least common cause of wrinkles. There are few women who keep drinking regime. Most often, the usual clean water prefer juice or tea, and meanwhile, it is water that is needed cells. Often it is not more than the daily volume and glass while required 6-8 daily. It turns out that the skin dries slowly, loses its elasticity and firmness. But every year more and more difficult to drink it with water, as the cells' ability to absorb and retain moisture decreases.

Lack of vitamins and minerals. Without an adequate supply of the cell renewal process of the skin slows down, and the upper stratum corneum becomes thicker, causing wrinkles and, with the first often formed mimic dash.

Chronic infection and intoxication often lead to the early formation of wrinkles. And especially skin suffering from toxins produced by staphylococci and streptococci. They destroy proteins - collagen and elastin, which give skin its firmness and elasticity. The same effect on them by the disruption of protein and fat metabolism that occur in some diseases.

Dramatic weight loss or weight gain strong followed by losing weight leads to the formation of pronounced wrinkles, and this is due to stretching of the skin. In this case particularly affected the lower eyelids, cheeks and chin, which immediately becomes noticeable by their pendulous form.

Bad habits - smoking and alcohol - make the skin dry. As a result, it will wrinkle. Moreover, the effects of nicotine and alcohol leads to chronic beriberi, which becomes noticeable as the skin.

Weather factors and the wrong skin care contribute to the formation of wrinkles. Cosmetic cleansing does not match the type of the skin, makes it vulnerable, and the wind, the sun and the cold even more impaired. Prolonged exposure to these factors leads to premature aging of the skin.

As the face reflects the status of each body by the appearance of wrinkles on it can be assumed, which one, maybe even hidden, the pathological process is inside the body. And this applies especially to the appearance of wrinkles at a young age. The problems with the heart can be understood by wrinkles under the eyebrows. Diseases of the bladder and kidneys manifested bags under the eyes, wrinkles between the eyebrows and diagonal folds of the inner corner of the eye and nose wings to the lower jaw. Violation of the gastrointestinal tract show bags over the eyes, wrinkles in the nasolabial triangle and fine lines in the corners of his eyes.

Tags: skin, wrinkle care, appearance, reason