Skin rejuvenation using Plazmolifting

Skin rejuvenation using Plazmolifting
 Every day cosmetic medicine offers more and more new methods of rejuvenation. Plazmolifting - one of them. Developed by Russian scientists, he established himself as a completely harmless procedure with a very strong effect.

Initially, the method was developed specifically for the treatment of maxillofacial injuries. It is an introduction to PRP in place of defeat. During the treatment, it was observed that not only Plazmolifting quickly and disinfects the wound heals lesions place, but positive effect on the skin.

Today Plazmolifting use cosmetologists to get rid of wrinkles, smoothing the skin, improving its tone and color. After injection of the plasma in the body begins to produce an amount of hyaluronic acid and collagen, as generally produced at an early age. Action Plazmolifting relies on the ability of human blood plasma rerun the metabolic processes in the body. But the most surprising is that the effect occurs immediately after the first injection and lasts for 2 years or more, although in many respects depends on the overall condition of the person.

Plazmolifting action based on the fact that under the influence of plasma cells "wake up", increases metabolism between them, are beginning to produce a substance responsible for skin condition.

Especially noticeable effect on Plazmolifting hair. Immediately after the injection dandruff disappears due to oily seborrhea. On the second day of the procedure stopped falling hair, comes back to normal scalp, restores the sebaceous glands. After completing the course, consisting of two to ten treatments (depending on the particular organism), completely stops baldness, hair starts to grow faster, their structure is restored. Hair follicles alive.

Plazmolifting use dental implants for implantation.

Before injections Plazmolifting client rents venous blood. It depends on the amount of personal characteristics of the skin, but does not exceed 20 ml. In a special centrifuge the blood is separated into fractions enriched plasma and platelets. Ready plasma using a fine needle is introduced into the problem areas. Procedure 1 is repeated biweekly. The amount depends on the individual case, but very often sufficient 2 procedures.

Plazmolifting contraindicated in girls younger than 25, people with blood diseases, allergies and immune disorders.

Tags: skin, face, help, care, treatment, rejuvenation