To determine whether you have a round face, is quite simple. It will indicate high cheekbones, soft chin seems so because of the fact that the angle of the mandible strongly deployed, snub nose and chin. Also, the fact that a person round shape indicates the fact that the middle part looks much wider in comparison with the oval type.
The most important task when applying makeup on a round face - avoid horizontal lines. Because we all know that they are visually expand.
To begin with we put tonal basis. It should be dark in color. However, to put this cream on the whole face is impossible. Our goal - visually lengthen oval, and thus need to be applied vertically dark means the side of the face. In parallel, do not forget about the nose. It also needs to be adjusted with the help of makeup. We use all the same dark foundation on the sides of the nose. But experts warn that if you planted close my eyes, I use this method of correction of the nose is not necessary. Otherwise, you have to pull together more visually eye. In this case it is necessary to put on a powder nose with light-reflecting particles.
First, after applying the substrate to deal with the cheeks. After all, they give the face a significant roundness. Visually lengthen their help blush, applied from the top of the cheekbones diagonally to the lowest point. Is supposed to be a kind of triangle. To complexion look natural blush need to choose warm colors such as peach. After cool tones emphasize very strongly that when applying makeup on a round face would like to hide. A main task of blush - give a person the freshness.
Then his eyes. Shadows should be applied only within a century. Shade they need to be vertically - again, in order to visually lengthen the face. No long arrows should not be. The maximum that is allowed, the short length of the arrow with a short upturned tail. Lashes on his round face paint only the top, the bottom can be emphasized by using shadows.
As for the make-up of the lips, it is not necessary to emphasize the corners of the mouth with a pencil. And many beauticians recommend to owners of all round face refuse to use lipstick. It is best to allocate lip gloss.
And, of course, with the help of make-up correcting a round face, do not forget about the hairstyle and accessories. If all parts are correctly chosen specifically for chubby girls, that others may simply not notice the little puhlovatyh cheeks and pronounced cheekbones.