How to remove all traces of acne

How to remove all traces of acne
 Scars and spots after acne - unpleasant phenomenon. Eliminate this flaw skin can seek help from a professional beautician or independently, using proven traditional remedies. Besides home mask and lotions are absolutely harmless for the skin, as made from natural ingredients. The only contraindication - idiosyncrasy components.
 Mask based on green clay. This tool has absorbing effect, eliminating the visible defects of the skin. For the preparation of this mask, you will need 1 tablespoon of green clay (powder) which can be purchased at the pharmacy, 3-5 drops of essential oil of rosemary, 1 teaspoon of warm water. These components mix thoroughly and apply on pre-cleansed face directly to problem areas. Through10-15 minutes, rinse the mask and apply a moisturizer suitable for your skin type. This procedure is recommended by2-3 once a month.

Mask based on white clay. This tool not only has the effect of absorbing, but also significantly lightens the skin, leaving red marks less noticeable after the first procedure. For the preparation of this mask you will need 2 teaspoons lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of clay (powder) 1 teaspoon of warm water. All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed until homogenous. The resulting mask put on the necessary areas of the skin and leave on for15-20 minutes then rinse your face with warm water. To conduct this procedure should1-2 twice a week.

Essential oils can be used in the fight for a smooth and beautiful skin. Very effective for removing spots and acne scars after rubbing the affected areas face tea tree oil, rosemary, lavender, avocado. But do not overdo the use of these funds, as frequent and excessive rubbing of the skin can have a strong influence on the nervous system. Remember - everything is good in moderation.

As a preventive measure to eliminate traces of acne can be used a decoction of parsley or cucumber juice. These components are used as a lotion,2-3 times per day.

In case of acne scars are deep enough better to seek professional help. Experienced beauticians, examining skin lesions, will tell you the necessary course of treatments.

Tags: spot, face trail pimple removal, red, treatment, red