Coffee Peeling

Coffee Peeling
 Delicious and flavored drink is capable of delivering not only emotional pleasure - coffee grounds is widely used in home beauty recipes. Available "coffee" procedure makes the skin soft, smooth, silky, restoring her youth and beauty.
 The reason for using peel to remove dead skin particles and purify the skin. Regular polishing of the upper layers of the skin can slow the aging process and activates metabolic processes, enhances blood flow to the tissues. Coffee peeling also gives the skin a nice, gentle fragrance that lasts about a day.

For the preparation of coffee masks, scrubs and peels used grounds remaining after the drink is drunk, or crushed grain. Ground coffee particles have a slight tonic effect, and plenty of sleeping on the skin gently and delicately.

Coffee body scrub should be used no more than once a week. Milled grain can be used in pure form, without any additives - Apply the product to wet skin and steamed, leave for a while. Rinse off the mask should warm water, carrying a neat, circular motions with his hands - be careful not to damage the skin. After the procedure, the body moisturize nutrient composition.

For the treatment of dry skin peeling coffee should be prepared with the use of fat sour cream or cream (1: 2), honey and olive oil, and in formulations for oily skin is added to yogurt or buttermilk. If you mix the crushed grains in a coffee grinder with sea salt and a few drops of any essential oil, infuse for a few days, you can store it in the fridge and use it as a scrub.

Coffee peeling face should be prepared from sleeping coffee to avoid irritation. Add the coffee mass is low-fat yogurt and ground walnuts - treat with dry skin. A mixture of coffee grounds, sugar and almond oil is suitable for grinding oily and normal skin. Universal recipe for coffee peeling - thick mix with any nutritious milk and use for the treatment of facial and neck skin. Apply to the skin smooth formulations, massaged, being careful not to damage the fabric.

"Coffee" procedures are carried out before the solarium and contribute to achieve an even tan, they are included in the program to get rid of cellulite and excess weight. Regular sessions lead to a change in skin condition - it is tightened, it becomes elastic and smooth.

Tags: skin peeling, care, cleansing, body