Cleansing oily skin

Cleansing oily skin
 Oily skin face - the source of many problems and even the cause of some diseases. But do not despair. If you ask for and do not take the time to care for your face, you can achieve remarkable results.
 On the shelves you can see a lot of resources to care for different skin types, including oily. However, if you are struggling with problems such as bad luster, uneven skin, large pores and acne, it makes sense to try as a weapon means home cooking: decoctions of herbs and masks from natural products. Such cosmetics will not contain harmful fragrances, preservatives and dyes.

Flowers of chamomile drug - an excellent raw material for making broth for daily washing. It will help reduce inflammation, improve the complexion and reduce acne.

Calendula - another lifesaver for women, facial skin which suffers from excessive fat. Calendula has a pronounced anti-inflammatory action, tightens pores and soothes irritation.

Nettle - a real natural doctor. It kills germs, cleans and restores the attractiveness of the skin.

Not less effective in this regard mint, rose hips and flowers Viola tricolor.

All of these herbs can be the basis for preparation of broth. Just brew a tablespoon of raw materials boiling water and allow mixture to infuse. Then strain the broth, divide it into two halves and wash and early in the morning and at bedtime.

You can also freeze the broth in the molds for ice and wipe the skin with a refreshing ice cubes. Such procedures - a great gymnastics for the skin and muscles of the face. They help tighten the facial contour and neck, back skin elasticity and freshness.

Another way to normalize oily skin - the mask of healing clay, made by itself or bought from a pharmacy. For this great legendary blue clay mask on the basis of which it is recommended to apply on the face 1-2 glad a week.

Useful for oily skin and "processing" of its salt. To do this, soak a cotton ball in warm water, soap it, sprinkle with fine salt and gently massaged them move a face. Salt fulfill the role of disinfectant and soft pillingatora. But to carry out such a procedure should be not more than three or four times a month. And it is better to abandon it in the presence of strong acne.

By following these simple recommendations, combining a variety of masks and herbal teas, and most importantly, regular grooming facial skin, you will be able to achieve the desired results.

Tags: skin, face care, cleansing