Vitamin E for skin

Vitamin E for skin
 Name of vitamin E (tocopherol), translated from Latin means "Promoting birth." He contributes to the maintenance of female beauty, anti-aging skin, smoothing and tightening e, as well as the normalization of the female reproductive system.
 Vitamin E is essential for skin and body as well as visual appeal of women depends on the functioning of the reproductive organs.

Tocopherol - is a powerful stimulant for the ovaries, which in addition to its direct function capable of producing estrogen - the hormone of beauty, thanks to their skin becomes taut and smooth. Vitamin E for tired and aged skin plays the role of "magic wand", making it fresh and supple. That the skin is healthy, a woman needs to consume at least 100 milligrams of tocopherol per day.

Vitamin E is a part of rosehip oil and sea-buckthorn berries, cereals, eggs, sprouts, ash, cherry, almond, sunflower seeds and peanuts. Green leafy vegetables, pumpkin, liver and legumes also contain high amounts of tocopherol. Only products should always be fresh, otherwise they lose their value and usefulness. Eat this amazing vitamin and can be in a pure form. It is sold in pharmacies in the form of capsules.

Stunning effects have masks with tocopherol, affordable and simple to prepare. Mask with Vitamin E for the skin is able to enhance the protective properties of the skin, eliminate acne and improve the complexion.

For the preparation of such a mask at home, take 2 teaspoons nutritional face cream (fat), ½ teaspoon of vitamin A, ¼ teaspoon of vitamin E and ¼ teaspoon of aloe vera. Mass Stir thoroughly and apply on face. Leave on for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water.

Very popular with the other mask and tocopherol, which significantly transforms the female face. To prepare thoroughly mix the honey, oatmeal, yogurt and olive oil, taken in equal amounts. Add 10 drops of tocopherol, mix and apply on face. After 10-15 minutes rinse with warm water.

Everyday makeup skin vitamin E, both inside and outside, leading to a revival of female youth, slowing photoaging, elimination of pigment spots and freckles, preventing irritation and inflammation of the skin. In addition, significantly improves blood circulation, alleviate the symptoms of allergies and significantly minimizes the risk of cancer.

Tags: face, vitamin, leather, mask