Radiolifting: effects, contraindications and benefits

Radiolifting: effects, contraindications and benefits
 Time does not spare anyone. Always look amazing - a very difficult task, sometimes even transcendental. Come to the aid medical news. Radiolifting - an innovative technology that gives mature skin a second life.

Youth passes. Replaced taut and toned skin wrinkles come, which is not pleasing to the eye. Every woman probably would have sacrificed much to stay young forever. Recall at least the film "Death Becomes Her". But life - not films. Everything goes on as usual. Women age. The skin becomes thin and flabby, there are dark spots. How to deal with it? Go under the knife? Do a facelift? It is dangerous and not always effective. The quality of operations in many cases leaves much to be desired.

Achieving progressive medicine allowed to replace invasive skin rejuvenation radiolifting. Radiolifting or resurfacing is by far the leader in the field of non-surgical face lift, as well as other problem areas tela- neck, décolleté. How does the radio wave lifting?
Radio waves are a type of electromagnetic waves of a certain frequency, penetrates the skin. The smaller wave frequency, the deeper it penetrates into the skin. Wave energy in the form of an adjustable heat penetrates deep into the collagen fibers and causes them to cut, thereby removing excess skin.

This technique allows to delay surgical intervention for several years. As a rule, radiolifting recommend that women aged 35 to 40 years, having indistinct skin aging. This procedure makes the skin more elastic, smoothes small and some large wrinkles and tightens facial oval.

This technique has a significant number of advantages:
1. painless. If during the operation the extra pieces of skin just cropped violated the integrity of the body, the patient is under the influence of anesthesia, after radiolifinga body remains unchanged and the structure of the skin is improved by stimulating collagen fibers.

2. The absence of rehabilitation period. The complications of wound scars can be forgotten. No additional procedures after radio lifting is required.

3. Long-term effect. problems with the aging of the skin overshadowed by 1, 5-2 years, and in some cases the effect lasts up to 5 years. After radio lifting skin looks natural, slack, do not change facial features.

4. In contrast to the peeling, after which you can not stay in the sun, radiolifting may be held at any time of the year.

However, this procedure has several disadvantages:
1. There are contraindications:
- Pregnancy;
- Malignant tumors;
- Diseases of the circulatory system;
- Heart failure;
- Inflammation in the acute stage.

2. photorejuvenation no effect after the first session. Need to repeat 5-6 times to achieve a visible effect. The interval between treatments should be about two weeks. That is, the result can be seen within six months after the completion of the course.

3. Prevent conduct radiolifting patients having sewn electronic devices as radio waves can cause malfunction of such equipment. Also, do not use this procedure to people who have metal implants. In the process, they can be heated, causing this pain, and in extreme cases even deformed.
The most important advantage over all other radio lifting skin rejuvenation techniques is that the effect is not achieved by the introduction into the body of some foreign elements, and by stimulating the skin's own resources. This suggests the absence of withdrawal - return the skin to its original state.

Tags: effect, the lack of an advantage, contraindications, radiolifting