How to restore the complexion

How to restore the complexion
 Poor environment, poor nutrition, constant stress and chronic sleep deprivation often leads to the fact that facial skin looks unhealthy and dull. To restore the complexion, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of the incident and make facial more careful.
 If the skin of your face suddenly began to look unhealthy, and your health in recent years leaves much to be desired, consult a doctor. Most likely, you have a disease of the internal organs, which are the cause of these changes. Only after complete cure diseases doctor identified your condition will be much better, and the complexion becomes normal.

The reason for dull complexion may be unhealthy lifestyle and unbalanced diet. In this case, you should change your rhythm of life, try to avoid stress and normalize sleep and stop smoking and alcohol. It is desirable to have on your table as small as possible fatty meats, smoked meats, sweet and savory products. In your menu must be present fish dishes, potatoes, almonds, broccoli, spinach and hazelnut.

Quickly restore skin of your face glow and healthy appearance can help carrot juice, which is recommended to use 1 cup daily. As a rule, the efficiency of this method becomes apparent within 7-10 days.

Natural mask melon or watermelon can also help you cope with this problem. To prepare them is simple - rub the flesh of watermelon or cantaloupe and apply the resulting weight on your face for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with lukewarm water, and face after washing it is better not to wipe. For a more stable result it is recommended to do such a mask every other day. The course of treatment should be at least 3-4 weeks.

One of the reasons earthy and dull complexion may be a lack of fluid in your body. To get rid of it, you need to consume a day not less than 1, 5-2 liters of liquid. To the skin on your face once again become beautiful and radiant, it is recommended to drink clean water without gas, and not get involved in strong tea or coffee.

Tags: face color