Tips beautician. Professional approach to the problem of skin care

Tips beautician. Professional approach to the problem of skin care
 At our disposal today, millions of cosmetic products, thousands of cosmetic surgeries and dozens of friends, advisers, ready to tell a new way of applying the cream to the eyelids or share impressions of using a new facial scrub. But despite the huge amount of information, we still remain issues related to the care of the skin. Women's magazine JustLady not only takes care of the beauty of its readers, but also can read their thoughts, so it is likely that in this article you will find the answer to that question, which is concerned about you.

Why do we need advice cosmetologist?

Did you know that even girls who consider themselves experts in skin care, should sometimes consult withbeautician?

Firstly, there is no limit to perfection, and one day you can see that the concept that you are used to care for the skin, does not work. Like and use high-quality cosmetics, and do so, as it is written in the instructions for each of the funds, but the effect is not noticeable at all, or not as pronounced as you would like. Actually, it turns out that cream picked wrong, and consistency in the use of cosmetic products that are not.Tips beautician skincare Here are just by the way. And in the beauty shop after talking with an expert cosmetologist you have come to the plan purchases, not just the desire to spend money on a well advertised goods.

Secondly, every day, not even every hour there are new schemes, techniques and tools for skin care. Try something they want, but that's not always clear how to do it. Think of at least appeared not so long ago serum for the face. Well, maybe each of us immediately realized how to use them properly? Many people still can not understand what the product is - Face Serum. Independent he or auxiliary, which function performs and how to apply? Of course, the consultants in stores cosmetics should have information on all cosmetic products, but experience shows that not all of them can be correct to talk about means and help find the right product for you. And once you begin to understand that the serum is designed to increase the effectiveness of the cream rather than wrinkles or simply to lure money out of your wallet, as for cosmetic arena there are new products - serum for eyelid skin, gommazhi, creams with AHA acids. To deal with them and use them for the benefit is for your skin will also helpTips beautician facials.

Tips beautician. Professional approach to the problem of skin care

Tips beautician skincare facial

Women's magazine JustLady provides its readers an opportunity to getTips beautician skincareWithout going out of the house. To do this, we asked a few topical issues beautician salon "Magic Beauty" Salnikova Oksana.

To interview a professional beautician, and not to touch one of the main goals of cosmetic care - to prevent signs of aging, we just could not. And, given the fact that the current generation of young women, unlike previous generations, at the age of 20 years begins to take various measures to combat aging skin, we are interested in the question the possibility of using anti-aging at a fairly young age.

JustLadyIs it true that even in the age of 30 can use the course anti-aging cosmetics? Do I need to do this?

Oksana: The notion of "anti-aging cosmetics" is relative. If the skin has lost its tone, became lethargic, dull, then come to the aid funds are considered to be anti-aging - is hyaluronic acid, vitamins A, C, E, etc. The main thing - it's state of the patient's skin, not his age. Someone 25 years old and may have wrinkles and loss of elasticity, while other signs of skin aging appear only after 30. So that the use of funds against the first signs of aging - only when indicated.
At that time, as a major cosmetic problem for many women is the loss of skin elasticity and the appearance of wrinkles, some of the fair sex preoccupied with other issues - the removal of vascular mesh on the face. In the course of the solution of this problem are as various creams and masks, and the means of decorative cosmetics, visually conceal Spider veins. But the effect of cosmetics is not always enough, and there is a desire to approach the problem dramatically. Tips beautician help in this case.

JustLadyQ: Can I remove all semblance of vascular mesh on the face, and if so, by what procedures?

OksanaYes, for example, using the procedure of rejuvenation. In the course of the procedure, a high-intensity light source affects the superficial and deep layers of the skin, removing a wide range of defects, including vascular net and spider veins. Rate is usually from 3 to 6 treatments with an interval of 28 days.
About a problem with the periodic appearance of inflammation on the skin, women's magazine JustLady also not forgotten.

JustLadyQ: Can I burn inflammation of the skin with the help of essential tea tree oil? Or there are other means to quickly get rid of these troubles at home?

Oksana: With inflammation better treated by a dermatologist, cosmetologist, so as not to make things worse. After all, if damaged, you can spread the infection, while "cauterization" traumatize the skin.

Some of us are lucky enough to get hold of a perfect face cream. That is precisely this, which were all dreams: a pleasant aroma, remarkable texture, exciting action. But as soon as one becomes aware of the fact that this cream is perfect, immediately there are doubts about the possibility of his constant use. Would not it be the effect of habituation to the skin cream? Is not harmful to the skin of the same agent for a long time?

JustLadyIf cream is suitable, can we use it all the time, or it's better to periodically change means for daily facial skin care?
OksanaNo need to change the face cream, if it suits you. The skin itself will tell if it's time to change the cream, becoming dull and uneven. But the favorite cream can be enriched. If the skin is dry, add vitamin E or vitamin A (oily solutions), and is suitable for oily skin tea tree oil and lavender.

Buy two face cream for day and night time is cheaper, or one, but at a higher price? And if one is a - day or night? Maybe separation creams on the time of day - it's just a marketing ploy? Or still need to follow the rules and instructions on the boxes of creams? Make the right choice in this case will also helpTips beautician.

JustLady: How harmful use night cream during the day, and the day - at night? Does the cream any results in this case?

Oksana: The only significant difference between day to a night cream is that day cream contains SPF factor (anti-UV), and apply it as a night impossible. The fact that the composition is in cream filter creates on the skin surface protective film which prevents the reducing function of the skin at night.

Smooth complexion - a guarantee of good makeup and attractive appearance. But very often spoil the whole picture dark circles under the eyes, treacherously outstanding yesterday's visit to a party or just lack of sleep. Erase signs of fatigue and align the complexion are called special funds - concealers. But how often you can use these tools? Whether they are suitable for everyday use, or they can be applied only in case of emergency?

JustLady: Is it harmful to the skin around the eyes permanent use concealer conceal dark circles under the eyes?
Oksana: Constant use of concealers is not dangerous if they are qualitative composition. Typically, businesses add "caring" components, such as vitamins, as well as protecting, inter alia, SPF factor.
Of course, ask for advice to the beautician, we could not ask questions, connected with the salon skin care.

JustLady: What beauty treatments do you usually start a serious young skin care and cosmetic procedure which is mandatory for aging skin?

Oksana: Impossible to answer this question clearly since it depends exclusively on the skin condition of the patient and on the task.

JustLady: Is it mandatory to clean the face if the skin is not a problem, but only periodically "pleasing" inflammation?

OksanaNo, it is not.

JustLady: How often should I visit the beauty salon for women with skin without too much trouble to look amazing?

OksanaAll depends on the task. If a woman has no problem, then a visit to the salon can be and is not binding, it might cost, and home care.

Before heading to the store to buy another cream after a few tens of discarded bottles and tubes, the contents of which you do not come, or decide on a radically new means for your skin, contact your beautician for advice.Tips beautician certainly help to prevent skin problems caused by improper care, and eliminate existing cosmetic flaws.

 Inna Dmitrieva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: care, advice, beauticians