Milk peeling

Milk peeling
 What is peeling - know almost everything. Every self-respecting woman on the dressing table has a pair of tubes with scrub and peeling. And where do without them? The older we get - the more our skin needs special tools. Exfoliation removes the upper horny layer of the skin, allowing it to breathe, clean pores, massages. Even after home treatments skin looks much younger and fresher. It is true over time, such procedures are losing relevance - facial skin is dehydrated, it becomes flabby, wrinkles appear. If you want to regain youth, the need for more drastic means, said female site JustLady. And if you're mentally prepared for a hike in the beauty salon - think about milk peeling. It can help solve many problems.

Milk peeling belongs to the category of chemical peels. About Chemical Peels says a lot of women at various forums.Reviews rather ambiguous. Someone choked with delight, someone very disappointed. However, in defense of the procedure, female site JustLady recalls that chemical peels - this is a serious procedure, which can cause irreversible changes in the skin. Especially if you have it hypersensitivity. Therefore, if you want to return to a healthy complexion, smooth and youth - try to useDairy pilling. It is recommended for acne, bumps and redness, with hypersensitive skin, skin prone to allergies, sagging, loss of tone, with a large number of fine wrinkles.

Lactic acid peels - This is almost perfect initial procedure when we are ready to take the first steps to a more serious skin care and placed in the hands of professionals. Lactic acid, which is a part of the peeling, acts very gently and delicately: removes dead cells of the skin, thereby stimulating the metabolism and the production of collagen, causing the skin to produce new cells. Lactic acid - this is not the supernova compound, which came up with some Einstein, it is absolutely natural ingredients and natural home - the action of the acid on the body we see after each workout: muscle ache because lactic acid is slowly eliminated from tissues. Therefore, lactic acid peels will not stress to the skin and does not cause a violent reaction of protest, moreover, after the application of peeling skin becomes moist and beautiful.

Dolactic acid peels There is one very significant advantage over other peelings - it completely eliminates allergies. After the procedure, a person do not swell or crack the skin, so that out of the house is not possible, as is the case with phenol peel. Remember Samantha in "Sex and the City" after chemical polling? Yes, after this week need to go in a burqa or a hat with a veil. That is why, milk peeling preferable if you need to quickly bring your skin in order, without causing complications.

Lactic acid is quite simple: when applied to the peeling on the face, neck, dekalte area or other places, it penetrates the epidermis and begins to remove the horny skin, reduces inflammation, smoothes, lightens pigmentation lesions, stimulates the production of new cells and collagen.

Milk peeling does not dry the skin, increasing its protective function. It is ideal for dry and dehydrated skin as it moisturizes perfectly. The procedure lasts about 15 minutes and does not cause diskomforta.Chtoby solve all the problems of the skin needs about 5 treatments - and perhaps less, but it depends on the condition of the skin. Procedures are carried out in stages, in a couple of weeks. At this time, it is very important to protect the person from direct sunlight. And fully follow the recommendations of the doctor-cosmetologist facials.

Lactic acid present in small amounts in many creams and lotions for skin care face and hands. You can try to prepare milk and peeling at home. For the preparation of lotions can be used lactic acid 1 percent, and home masks - 4 percent. But strongly pronounced effect you can not see, though the skin will look better.

The fact that, in the offices of cosmetic use lactic acid of higher concentrations - up to 90%. Milk peeling recognized as the most gentle among the family of chemical peels, but still there are contraindications him: it can not be carried out in the period of acute herpes lesions after hair removal, if on the face of pronounced inflammatory processes. Beautician will likely offer to transfer the procedure to eliminate the causes of inflammation, and prescribe a course of treatment of the skin.

But if skin changes are very serious: deep wrinkles, laxity, colloidal scars - thatlactic acid peels unlikely to be able to help you. It requires a greater impact and a beautician sure you say about this.

And in general, at your leisure, treat yourself and your skin not only peeling, but also conventional milk baths. They perfectly retain youth and beauty, allowing yourself to feel the true beauty queen, as the legendary Cleopatra. And the usual washing in the morning milk also give the results may not be as fast as lactic acid peels, but it will. Women's magazine JustLady was always sure that systematic and diligence necessarily lead to good results and wants you to stay for what you really are - beautiful, confident and ... forever young.

 Natalia Toropova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: peeling, acid, review, pilling