How to make a face perfectly clean

How to make a face perfectly clean
 Perfectly face - hard work, which is not always enough time and patience. But if you're determined to clear the skin of spots and even out the complexion, go to the end. The result will please you in a few weeks, but it must be maintained, otherwise everything will return to their former places.
 Make the perfect person to help steam treatments. Boil a liter of water and add the 2 tablespoons of chamomile. Hold the face over the steam for about 20 minutes. After this, use a facial scrub or soak a cotton pad in cream, soda and fine salt. Active movements massage the skin and wash with cool water. Steam procedure is carried out daily, and peeling - 2-3 times a week.

After washing, wipe your face with ice cube, which makes decoctions of herbs: chamomile, sage, calendula. The cold helps toning and narrow pores. Good effect has ice from mineral water - well suited for oily skin. Mineral water must be high in alkali.

Do twice a week mask of berries. Mash the strawberries and add the low-fat sour cream. Apply on face and leave for 15-20 minutes. Wash gel and wipe the skin tonic or lotion.

To remove toxins from the skin, apply on face 2 times a week a mask out of clay. If you have a dry skin type, then add in a clay capsule "Aevitum" and a tablespoon of olive oil. Owners of oily skin is optimally suitable mask of blue clay with lemon juice.

Use caring facilities that are suitable for your skin type. If not the right cream, the different kinds of rashes on the face simply can not be avoided. Oily skin clean sponge or special brush. With regular caregiver will be clean and fresh.

If you are not satisfied with the result, go to the reception to the beautician. The specialist will prescribe a variety of treatments that will make your skin perfectly clean and smooth. Achieve the same result at home is almost impossible.

And, of course, without proper nutrition can not do. Do not use poor quality, fatty, fried foods. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Take your vitamins and antioxidant complexes.

Tags: skin, face care