How to get rid of fat cheeks

How to get rid of fat cheeks
 Fat cheeks usually appear because of addictions, the main of which is overeating, resulting in fat folds are formed in the lower part of the face. At a young age fat cheeks appear together with the extra 10 pounds of weight. The second leading cause of sleep may be at high soft cushions and, finally, the hereditary factor, but rather the shape and structure of the face.  
 To get rid of fat cheeks, you need to remove the cause. So initially take the normalization of weight. Start a diet or just to normalize food and eat more fruits and vegetables. Stop slouching, as this is also the reason for the appearance of thick cheeks and double chin. Straighten shoulders, straighten the neck, do not lower your head down. During sleep, always place them under the pillow his head low, or just roll under the neck.

Particularly difficult to solve the problem with fat cheeks to those who received them as an inheritance from their parents. In any case, to get rid of this trouble, you need every day to make a series of physical exercises:

- In a standing position, lower your head down to your chest, then as much as possible fold it back. To the head does not start spinning, hold hands for any support. People with high blood pressure this exercise is contraindicated.

- Standing or sitting as much as possible pull the neck and spine upwards, raising his head as high as possible, then make a few turns of the head to the right and to the left. This exercise should be done slowly.

- Sit down at the table, lean his elbows on the edge, and prop up his chin in his hands. Overcoming resistance hands, tilt your head forward, then relax. Repeat the exercise 20 times.

In addition to exercise, perform daily massage the cheeks and chin: gently press your thumbs jawline and slowly move them to auricles, then lightly Tapping fingers cheeks, nasolabial folds and chin. Motion at the same time should be fast and easy.

That the effect is more prominent, additionally make salt compress. To do this, take 3 tablespoons of salt, it is desirable to use iodized salt, dissolve in a glass of warm water. Small towel or handkerchief wet in the solution, wring out and apply to cheeks minutes 5. The remaining solution was pour into molds for ice and put in the freezer. Wipe face especially problematic areas once daily with ice.

Tags: person, second, chin, exercise, fat