How to get rid of blue spots from acne

How to get rid of blue spots from acne
 Acne - it's not so bad, because you can get rid of them, get competent professional advice and followed its recommendations. This trouble is that after pass acne, the skin may remain unsightly stains blueish. They also have to clean up.
 If you suffer from a phenomenon such as acne, be sure to find and correct the cause: hormonal imbalance, improper metabolism, abuse of harmful food and drink, the wrong skin care or lack thereof. After an appeal to an experienced dermatologist or cosmetologist acne certainly will, most importantly - observe all recommendations, which will give the doctor.

After that, it comes time to fight with blue trace left on the skin after removal of acne. And here without a hike to a specialist is also not necessary. It beauticians recommend a particular procedure. Indeed, in each case may require a different method of removing stains. You can suggest a chemical peel of varying intensity, laser or mechanical grinding, biorevitalisation. Do not expect that you will get the result immediately, will have to undergo several procedures and possibly more than one.

In parallel, you can use special creams that are sold in pharmacies. Consult with pharmacists, they will offer a special series of medical cosmetics for such cases. There are effective ointment. For example, the well proved "Kontraktubeks." It is great not only resolves blue spots from acne, but even small scars (if they are not too long-standing). Lubricate the skin will have a few months, but you can do without the other cosmetic procedures.

In addition to other methods you can use traditional medicines. This lemon juice and cucumber, yogurt and whey. However, it should be understood that these recipes are not very effective and without combination with medication and cosmetic procedures are unlikely to give significant effect.

Thus a good means of the so-called People's mask is the following. Mix equal amounts of hydrogen peroxide, white clay and cosmetic bodyagi to achieve the consistency of sour cream. Apply a dot on a blue spots for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and make the 10-minute gadgets of tincture of calendula and aloe (mixed they should be, too, in a ratio of 1 to 1).

Tags: face, Ambassador, acne, pimple, treatment, removal