Eye masks at home

Eye masks at home
 Every woman who looks after himself, knows very well that in the care of the person, special attention should always be paid to the skin around the eyes. After the thinnest skin of the eyelids, tender and almost devoid of sebaceous glands, protects it from harmful influences. Skin Care century cosmetic companies are developing special creams, beauty salons beauticians make delicate massages and treatments. Although care and maintain a fresh appearance of the skin around the eyes, there are many simple procedures that can be done at home. It's about the masks for the skin around the eyes.

For many masks for the eyes, which can be done at home, used decoctions of herbs. Therefore it is better to prepare in advance and make the gauze, folded several times, special pads for compresses. These pads can also be made of the finished fabric face masks that you have already used. This nonwoven fabric is very suitable for under eye masks. Once the tissue must be thoroughly rinsed and dried.

One of the best remedies for skin care age, according to cosmetologists, is common parsley. Parsley perfectly refreshing, slightly whiten skin age and struggling with dark circles around the eyes, so treacherously betray our fatigue or insomnia. For the preparation of masks for age was used as parsley, so the root and a decoction of it.

For dry, prone to wrinkles eyelid skin finely chopped parsley, mix with a teaspoon of sour cream or cream, apply the mixture on the gauze, cotton or non-woven pads and put it under your eyes for 15 minutes. Rinse with cool water.

Mask of dried parsley broth is applied as a cotton swab dipped in fresh warm broth (2ch.l. a glass of water, boiling water and boil 20 minutes, insisting under the cover).

To prepare the mask for the eyes of parsley root grate it on a small grater. to produce a slurry can add a few drops of olive oil or castor oil, place the gauze pads and apply under the eyes for 20 minutes. This mask quickly relieves swelling eyelids and returns the face rested appearance.

To prepare the masks based concoctions of herbs recommended to stock up at the pharmacy by the following means: linden flowers, field horsetail, chamomile, cornflower.

When the eyes are tired from stress at work or while driving, it will help to remove the mask from broth horsetail. Pour a tablespoon of dry horsetail 200 ml of boiling water and put in a water bath for 10 minutes. Refrigerate broth under cover to body temperature. Moisten with broth gauze pads and apply to eyelids. The procedure should take about 20 minutes, swabs must be periodically re wet in broth and put on the eyelids.

Linden flowers, chamomile and cornflower can be used to prepare the broth both separately and assembled. Tablespoon of flowers pour a glass of boiling water and insist under the hood. Decoction of the flowers used for the eyes as well as a decoction of horsetail.

An indispensable tool to combat dark circles under the eyes is a raw potato. For the preparation of his mask Grate and placed in gauze bags. You can simply wrap a grated potato with several layers of cheesecloth. Mask holding eyelids 20-30minut and wash with cool water. It is not necessary to impose under the eyes raw potatoes without gauze layer. From contact with air potato darkens and can tint the eyelids. Of course, it is rinsed with water, but nowhere to rub too tender and delicate eyelid skin.

To soften dry skin century, subject to wrinkles, prepare an effective mask tablespoon of cottage cheese and a teaspoon of honey. This mask should be used for women who do not have allergies to bee products. Cottage cheese mix thoroughly with honey and apply this mixture on the lower eyelids for 15-20 minutes. Mask gently rinse with warm water using a cotton pad.

For tired eyes and a light whitening effect century, apply to the upper and lower eyelids, or slices of fresh cucumber mush. This mask can hold up to an hour and lightly rinse with cool water. After the mask, apply under eye cream for eyelid skin.

If you have very little time to prepare a mask, and must be fully prepared to look, use a very popular method among women - teabags. Bags of black tea pour hot water and let it sit for a minute. Remove them. Cool slightly and apply to eyelids. After 15 minutes, the eyes will radiate a healthy glow and signs of fatigue disappear. For best results, spend a few times on the lower eyelids with ice cubes. You can go conquer the hearts!

And finally, take advice. During the masks better to lie while listening to relaxing music. Then the result obtained from the mask will be much more effective as opposed to when you continue to do household chores with superimposed under the eye mask. And last but not least, skin care around the eyes should be regular. Give yourself a bit of attention, and your skin will respond gratefully.

Tags: eye, house, home, condition mask