How to remove from the face of pimples and black spots

How to remove from the face of pimples and black spots
 Pimples and black spots (comedones) appear due to improper skin care, abundance in the diet of greasy, spicy, sweet food. Also pimples may indicate the presence of chronic diseases and hormonal malfunctions in the body, in this case, treatment should be done after consulting your doctor.

If no serious health problems there, and pimples and blackheads occupy a person need to go on a healthy diet and begin to treat skin.

Daily cleansing is carried out twice a day - morning and evening. Wash the necessary funds, the relevant type of skin, then wipe the face tonic and lubricate the skin cream.

For a deep cleaning should be done a steam bath. Oily skin one time per week, one time for the normal 10 days, and 1 time to dry two weeks.

In medium-sized bowl, pour a handful of dried herbs (sage, chamomile, peppermint, nettle, calendula), fill with boiling water. Leaning over the steaming face, head cover with a towel. After 15 minutes, a person need to blot with a clean cloth.

After a steam bath, wipe the face scrub of salt, soda and 3% hydrogen peroxide, taken in equal proportions.

Get rid of pimples and blackheads can be using homemade masks.

Kefir Mask

Take 1 tbsp. l. crushed oatmeal, add a 0, 5 tsp soda, a few drops of boric acid and dilute the yogurt to make a thick paste. Put the mask on your face, hold 15 minutes, rinse with cool water. Mask do 1-2 times a week.

The mask of white clay

Dissolve 1 tablespoon white clay with water to the consistency of thick cream. Apply the product to clean skin. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water, the procedure is carried out 2 times a week.

Onion mask

Purified onion medium size needed grate, resulting mush put on the face, after 5 minutes wash with cool water.

Carrot mask

Carrot juice with honey to be mixed in a ratio of 1: 1, the mixture was applied on the skin for 10 minutes. If the skin is oily and porous, the mask should be made of carrot pulp.

Yeast mask

Mix 2 tablespoons dry yeast and 1 tsp honey, connect the mixture with 2 tbsp warmed milk. Mix well until smooth. Apply the mask on the inflamed areas of the skin, then remove the wet cotton swab.

Tags: plot, leather, black, point, spot