How to get rid of oily sheen on the face

How to get rid of oily sheen on the face
 Quite a few women suffer from greasy luster that appears in them during the day in the nose, forehead and chin. This means that these women have oily skin type. That the person has always been nice and smooth, with a greasy luster necessarily need to fight.
 Shine on your face is formed as a result of hard work of the sebaceous glands. They produce sebum, which leads to clogging of the pores. To prevent the appearance of the skin acne and pimples, you first need to get rid of greasy. For this purpose, first of all, every day, morning and night, it is necessary to use special tools. When washing - good massage your face for 2-3 minutes gel for deep pore cleansing.

To normalize sebum and narrow pores on your face, you should use tonics and lotions with zinc oxide and acetylsalicylic acid. Well establishing the sebaceous glands and striped compresses. For example, first you can steam the face, put on it for 3 minutes cloth soaked in hot water and then apply a cold towel.

Twice a week, you must use a scrub or exfoliating gels based on medicinal herbs. These tools help to remove dead skin particles on the skin and remove the dirt. After the application of such tools is necessary to use a nourishing cream.

Help get rid of oily sheen on the face and recipes of traditional medicine. So, in the evening, on the face mask can be applied. To dry skin suit kefir. To narrow pores and improve skin color mask is used on the basis of protein, whipped with lemon peel. But for deep pore cleansing mask is applied on the basis of lemon juice, yeast and warmed milk.

If the facial skin is very "run", and from the abundance of fat on her acne began to appear, in any case they can not be squeezed out. So you can carry infection and only aggravate the situation. Here come to the aid of herbal infusions: a series, chamomile, calendula. These infusions of washing up and keeping to a diet (avoiding fat, flour, smoked and salty foods), a woman not only get rid of acne, but also itself from within, be able to normalize the state of your skin and get rid of oily sheen on the face.

Tags: face mask, shine, cleansing