How to clean the face at home

How to clean the face at home
 Clogged with sebum and dirt pores on the face can become inflamed (sometimes very strongly). As a result of the formation of unsightly marks, so periodic cleaning is necessary any skin. Perform this procedure must be a qualified beautician. But not all of it is available. Do not worry, you can clean up face and at home.  
 Clear dead skin cells to help a variety of scrubs. They should be used once a week, and for oily skin at least twice. It should be borne in mind that not every skin can withstand such a procedure. Scrub particles with sharp edges can scratch sensitive or thin skin. In this case, choose a product with rounded particles. As a result of this procedure, you will not only clean the dead skin cells and pores. Scrub is applied to clean, damp skin, which has already removed all the makeup. Otherwise there is a risk carry contamination into the pores, resulting in inflammation may occur. Remains scrub washed off with plenty of water.

Another mechanical cleansing facial masks are film. They have the consistency of a gel, but when applied to the frozen face to form a film. Shoot her neat movement from the bottom up. This should be done carefully so as not to stretch the skin. The use of such masks is not possible if there are patches on the skin peeling strengths.

One of the best cleaning agents which can be used at home is clay. Dilute it not only water but also various herbal decoctions. Make a decoction of chamomile, calendula, horsetail, yarrow. Spread the clay to a thick sour cream and apply on the face except the eyes. To cleanse is best to choose white clay. It should be remembered that the dried clay has no action. That it does not dry out longer, cover the face with food film, tentatively making it slits for eyes, nose and mouth.

Before you make a mask out of clay is good to steam the face. For this you need a bowl, boiling water and a towel. Keep your face over the steam for 10-15 minutes. Just do not lower it too low to the water, as hot steam can burn the skin. Instead of boiling water, use a decoction of herbs. Steam baths are contraindicated for people with rosacea.

A good cleanser is oatmeal. Ground in a coffee grinder flakes are used as a scrub, mix them with honey. To make a mask, brew a tablespoon of cereal with boiling water. The resulting mass apply on face for 10-15 minutes. This mask is based on the boiling water is suitable for oily skin. For dry and sensitive brew cereal with warm milk.

Do cleansing mask on a regular basis, at least once a week. Then your skin will thank you nice and smooth color.

Tags: skin, face, pets, condition, care, cleaning