Two effective masks for oily skin

Two effective masks for oily skin
 Oily skin facial delivers his mistresses a lot of trouble, because it primarily looks bad - shiny, dirty quickly; wide pores, clogged sebum, often inflamed and then appear on the face of painful acne. This skin is characterized mainly for young women under 35, but occurs in older people. Good effect to improve oily skin give different masks that you can do at home.

Before applying the mask wash your face and neck, remove all cosmetics. Select to wash some neutral means for problem skin - gel or foam. Apply it on the face with a special brush. Her movements should be light, massaging, and in any case does not injure the skin. The water temperature should be about the same as the body temperature.

After washing, blot the face with a towel, without rubbing and stretching it, and wait for ten minutes to dry out the skin well.

Around the eyes should impose a small amount of nourishing cream - no need to mask components fell on the delicate skin in this place. Apply the mask should be in the following areas: from the chin to the temples, from the upper lip to earlobe, from the nose to the temples.

Dry oily skin on your face will help mask the yeast.
Take a tablespoon of baking powder or brewer's yeast. Stir yeast with three tablespoons of fresh juice - lemon, black currant, pomegranate, cranberry, or any other of sour grapes. If your mixture is a thick, add a little cold in her clean water. The finished weight put on those fatty areas of the skin that you defined earlier with a cloth. Quietly lie down and after 15 minutes rinse your mask. By the way, the yeast mask can slightly lighten the skin.

Can use for your oily skin mask of clay. Now the market has a lot of clay with different mineral composition and, naturally, their properties are different. Oily skin is best white clay - kaolin, which is rich in magnesium and zinc. Masks of this clay to remove excess fat and skin it is bleached. White clay also has antiseptic properties. Black clay stimulates skin renewal and normalizes blood circulation. Blue - relieves inflammation, which on oily skin are also common. Green - has good cleaning properties, enriches the skin with calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper and other minerals. It is also recommended for use with oily skin.

Once you have chosen clay, dilute it with water in a ceramic bowl (this is important!) And stir until smooth. Apply a thin layer of clay mass on the skin for 15 minutes, then wash it off

After cleansing the skin from the mask put on the face nourishing cream. You can wipe the skin with ice cubes. And remember that some time should not be painted and powder. Your skin should absorb all the nutrients and breathe.

Tags: skin, face mask