How to narrow pores on the face

How to narrow pores on the face
 One of the major drawbacks of oily skin are enlarged pores. How many unpleasant things they bring to women. This uneven surface and pores clogged with accumulated sebum, and the black dots. Finally, remove the enlarged pores is impossible, but can and should be narrow.
 Struggle with enlarged pores can be done at home or in a beauty salon. One of the main salon techniques are laser resurfacing and chemical peels. Peeling often use a weak solution of acids, such as glycolic, salicylic, or fruit. This is a very serious trauma to the skin procedure with a number of contraindications, so be sure to consult with your doctor. Beautician can also offer mechanical, vacuum or ultrasonic cleaning since. Most Recent gentle, besides, it helps fight fine wrinkles. Cleaning person in the cabin is carried out 1-2 times a month.

Complex domestic measures necessary to start with cleansing. This should be done every morning and evening, washing up gels and foams, then you need to clean the skin tonic or lotion. Once or twice a week to do scrub with a scrub or gommazha (exfoliating cream). The first is better suited for oily skin, and the second - for normal and combination.

The next step is an anti-mask helps cleanse and narrow pores. Among them, of particular note are the clay, and protein mask. Clay masks are made from white and blue clay. Clay dilute with warm water to a state of pulp and apply on the skin with a thick layer. If the skin is very oily, you can add a few drops of lemon juice or essential oil of lemongrass. Wait 15 minutes and rinse thoroughly, remove the remnants of clay tonic. On clean skin, apply a moisturizer.

Protein lemon mask is also very effective in advanced stages and fine wrinkles. For its preparation Mix egg white with 1 tsp lemon juice and apply the mixture on your face. This mask is applied in layers, a new layer on top of the already dried up. Soak it for 10-15 minutes and wash.

You can also use ready-made masks, the selection of which is now huge. Especially popular are the mask film, which in the gel state are applied to the face and removed the film after curing, which removes dead skin cells and blackheads.

Tags: skin, face, it's time, care