Alcohol causes instant vasodilatation, about the same, but to a lesser extent, acts smoking and drinking coffee and strong tea - discard these products and stop smoking.
Some salon treatments help to cope with rosacea - electrocautery, laser treatment, skin rejuvenation, ozone therapy. Refer to the beautician, who will select the best option effect on the capillaries.
Your skin is well suited cream with essential oils of rosemary or mint - they increase the elasticity of blood vessels. Do not add honey homemade mask - it causes the blood flow to the skin and stimulates active blood circulation, which can enhance the color.
Wash your face morning and evening with a special compound - prepare camomile tea, add to it two spoons Ascorutinum (ascorbic acid) and rinse the skin. Of chamomile decoction can also make compresses - applied to the skin gauze soaked in herbal preparations.
Good results give regular mask - a mixture of lanolin, vegetable oil and talc apply blush on the place of appearance (cheeks, cheekbones). Keep a few minutes and remove damp sponge, then wash decoction of chamomile. Mask of potato starch and fresh sea buckthorn berries help to increase the elasticity of small vessels - Mix ingredients and grease problem areas. After 20 minutes, remove with a damp sponge structure.
If your cheeks blush appears frequently, you can not wipe the face with ice cubes - as soon as the action of the cold stop your cheeks turn red. In winter, protect your skin with special creams with essential oils, and in the summer, try as often as possible to cool (cool shower, air conditioning, etc.).