Serum for face: choose for your skin type

Serum for face: choose for your skin type
 Serum can solve many skin problems - loss of elasticity, dull complexion, excessive oiliness or dryness. The concentrate can be applied morning and evening, use it alone or in combination with creams. Better to use serum or alternate courses - so their effects will be more effective. Choose a tool depending on what you plan to solve the problem.

What serum choose: focus on the type of skin

Serum - the most effective cosmetic product containing a complex of nutrients, easy to digest the skin. On sale you can find the different types of serum - anti-aging, moisturizing, brightening, firming, matting. The choice of tools depends on the condition of your skin.

In the selection of serum can help cosmetologist. Note that the wrong selection tool will do more harm than good.

The largest group - serum for the face. Some of them - such as anti-aging moisturizers or - can be applied on the eyelids, neck and décolleté. But if you plan to solve the problem of excessive oily skin, be careful - skin of the eyelids and neck are always more dry, so the active matting agents applied to it is not necessary.

Before you buy whey in the store, carefully read the composition of the funds. For fading and losing skin tone suit concentrates rich in hyaluronic acid. To refresh your complexion choose the means with minerals and natural antioxidants and nourish the skin for enhanced need funds to peptides and vitamin complexes. Not necessarily buy the concentrate of the same brand as the face cream. However, note that some products may interfere with each other. If your skin is prone to allergies, choose funds in line and use them in combination.

Secrets of perfect skin: use of serum for the face

Serum usually use italics, causing it twice a day after cleansing the skin. A small portion of funds spread across the face, gently hammering fingertips. Whey is absorbed very quickly, instantly moisturizing skin. Top means you can apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream. In the morning, be sure to use a cream or makeup emulsion containing sunscreens.

If after applying the serum you feel uncomfortable tingling, burning or itching, discontinue use immediately. Most likely, the chosen remedy does not suit you.

Beauticians are advised to use the serum rates. Select the appropriate schedule - for example, apply a means for a month, and then make a two-week break. Then you can resume use of serum. Concentrates particularly useful in the off-season - fall and spring. At this time you should pay attention to moisturizers and tonics - they are suitable for most skin types.

Tags: entity type selection, serum, skin care