Peeling in the bath

Peeling in the bath
 At the present time a very popular method for correction is to perform cosmetic procedures in the bath. The best effect can be achieved by combining exfoliation with other procedures. Thanks to cleanse the body of dead skin cells, which is carried out in the bath, you can get excellent results, achieving the effect of silk skin.

To bring your body in excellent condition, first in the bath must be cleaned skin with exfoliation, massage and then execute. Very good tool for peeling is considered honey. In combination with massage exercises he takes good physical stress, fatigue and uplifting. If we add to the honey even salt can not only cleanse the skin pores, but also to bring out the body's toxins.

Performing peeling in the bath helps to cleanse, tone and restore skin. In addition, this procedure is carried out under such conditions will quickly get rid of cellulite and excess weight.

Very good peeling a mixture of common salt and honey, and of fine sea salt and honey. Coming to the bath, honey you need to melt the liquid consistency and add salt. Then again, a little warm mixture on the stove. Such peeling yavdyaetsya very effective and can get rid of many skin problems.

Before proceeding to the application of peeling, you need twice as good steamed and well rested, spread with a mixture of body. Exfoliation should be implemented in a circular massage movements that means is easily absorbed into the skin. After the mixture is completely coated, it is necessary proparit third time. You must then rinse with cool water and allow the body to cool down. After performing in the bath peeling skin gets a fresh, smart and beautiful views.

Once the procedure is finished cleansing the skin, you can begin to wraps and massage. Problem areas such as the buttocks, thighs and abdomen need to wrap up a special mixture, which breaks down fats and displays the excess liquid. During the wrap and massage in circular movements performed.

After visiting the baths, and holding it a cosmetic procedure, as peeling, improves not only the structure of the skin, but also overall health.

The final stage of peeling in the bath is to the skin moisturizer.

Tags: leather, Ambassador, peeling