"Map of acne" our face

 Time when considered purely teenage acne disease, left far behind. Now from acne and adult women suffer. You can "thank" the environment, food with preservatives and full of stress crazy rhythm of life. Location acne on the face can talk about what you should pay attention to comprehensive treatment of the skin.  

It so happens that a thorough skin care, cosmetics and medical Tried the sea, and they all pop up and pop - these small enemies beauty. Please note exactly where on the face they love "to settle."

Upper floors, ie forehead, especially towards the hairline choose acne caused by problems with the gall bladder, and as a consequence of impaired zhelchetokom. Pimples appear above the eyebrows due to irritable bowel. Most likely, you have a sweet tooth and a soda, red meat and indulge in them. The fact that the body they are difficult to digest the ends forming toxins, looking out of the body and including the skin. Pimples on the nose associated with liver problems may be difficult to remove blood from the congestion of the liver. Give up fried and smoked food, arrange fasting days on apples or yogurt, limit the use of protein products.

Popping pimples on the nose due to a failure in the cardiovascular system. Add in the diet of vitamins, move more and walk - you need fresh air. Allow yourself to relax sometimes and not worry about trifles.

Cheek take the acne caused by congestion of the lungs. They also appear on the back between the shoulders and chest. Most likely, you are fond of dairy products and sweets, little move. Chinese medicine believes that the cause of the rash on the cheeks can be heavy, viscous, unbalanced energy that finds no outlet; feelings of loneliness and uselessness - faithful companions. Need to move, exercise, reduce the consumption of sweets and milk, eat more vegetables and fruits.

On the chin and jawline popping pimples, which may be the cause of failure in the hormonal balance (talking about sex hormones). Most likely, you drink a lot of coffee and black tea, little sleep and often konfliktuete. If rash abundant, often inflamed, it makes sense to be checked by a gynecologist and pass tests on the sex hormones.

Perhaps the cause of acne is quite different, and a factor, but knowing "card spots" can revise your diet and lifestyle change for the better. Maybe it will be enough to acne "slid" from you forever.

Tags: cards, face, acne, location, Akna