LPI can do a facelift at home

LPI can do a facelift at home
 With age, oval face, alas, it is not so clear as in his youth, the contour of the cheeks and chin as if slightly droops, bringing women a lot of experiences. All this - the natural processes caused by gravity, the weakening of skin tone, slowing production in its collagen and elastin. And now we are starting to think about a face lift. But not all of the fair half of humanity is decided on the operating lift. Is it possible to implement lifting sparing methods, without leaving the house? You can!

In the struggle to clear oval and beautiful skin importantly - regular lifting procedures and adherence to some simple rules. To start, stop exacerbate the problem. What do you need? - Not much. Do not sleep so that the skin in contact with the pad and jam. The optimum position - on the back. Do not touch your face for no reason that it does not stretch once again. Wash and remove makeup very carefully in the direction of skin lines. Especially must be treated carefully to the thin skin around the eyes. When you have learned these simple rules of behavior, you can move on to regular procedures.

The first step is buy the appropriate cream. These composition must be collagen, elastin, algae and other additives. In any case, in the title of your cream is simply obliged to appear additive "lifting". But remember that all means instantaneous provide only a temporary effect. Therefore it is better to take those that are intended for long-term care. Once or twice a week you can enjoy special liftinogvymi masks.

Right cream - that's not all, you'll have to work on a daily basis, such as daily self-massage to make faces. It's not as difficult as it seems. Apply to cleansed face and neck cosmetic natural oil. You can do a simple olive. Walk with your fingertips from the bottom up on the forehead, running down his cheeks toward the temples, along the contour of the face from the chin up to the eyebrows, on the corners of the mouth - to the temples. Movement should be light, neat, as if stroking. This should be done every day.

To combat the double chin is a special contrast massage. It is necessary to lay down a towel four times, soak it in cold salted water and took a towel at the ends, to pat him on the chin. Enough 10-15 movements. Then it is necessary to wet a towel in warm water and repeat the procedure. Its regular use will give a good effect. You can also take in the mouth a pencil and write letters of the alphabet in the air - not less than 10. Another method - regular recitation voltage letters "i" and "y". It's quite simple, the main thing - regular employment.

Effective face lift is provided to those who every morning to wipe the skin with ice cubes. Prepare different blocks - from the infusion of parsley and calendula tincture. First, wipe your face Calenduleae cube, then rinse with warm water and apply parsley die. The reward for patience will not only smart, but also a fresh, hydrated skin.

Tags: person, pets, condition, chin, method, lift, lifting