Intimate Plastic: talk about intimate problems and their solutions

Intimate Plastic: talk about intimate problems and their solutions
 Perfection in everything - that's the main credo of many modern women. And on the way to this perfection with women working tirelessly, beauticians, hairdressers, designers, makeup artists and plastic surgeons. Usually associated with plastic surgery facial rejuvenation or correcting any flaws on the face, but how can the pursuit of perfection confine ideal contours and facial features? After all, there are other, sometimes very intimate zone, which means perfection for a woman no less. Let them not say so often, but this problem is no less important. It refers to a form of plastic, as intimate surgery, and the women's magazine JustLady could not avoid the question round.

We hope our story will give readers an idea of ​​what it representsIntimate surgery for womenThe cases in which it is shown, and what problems can be solved with it.

In fairness, we note thatintimate plastic - A way to solve not only aesthetic problems. Depending on the type ofintimate surgery it can also solve these or other physiological problems, which hinder the full life of the woman, primarily sexual.

As history shows, the thought of the possibility of change and improvement of the female genital organs were already long enough. Ancient Greek mythology tells us that Aphrodite after lovemaking with Adonis had washed his body in the bath, and became once again immaculate.

Until a few decades ago, these myths about restoring virginity seemed nothing more than a fairy tale. But in the 60s of the last century Italian surgeon Bernoulli returned to his daughter with the help of innocence intimate plastics. One year laterintimate plastic, reviews of which went across the county, has become incredibly popular, and tens of thousands of women have been newly pristine, despite the turbulent sex life, which was conducted before the operation.

Intimate Plastic: talk about intimate problems and their solutions

Intimate surgery: Hymenoplasty

For the medical term "Hymenoplasty" just yet hidden opportunity to once again become a virgin. Of course, the medical indications for such an operation does not exist, since the absence of a hymen in no way interferes with the normal physiological existence of women.

What, then, becomes the reason for Hymenoplasty? There can be several variants, and they differ essentially only the presence or absence of awareness of the fact men that a woman is going to resort to surgery to repair the hymen.

In certain casesintimate surgeryAssociated with the restoration of virginity, women used to lull potential husband having certain religious or life principles related to the pristine purity of the future spouses.

But often there are also cases where both parties want new sexual sensations associated with a change in the status of female prostitutes status unsophisticated Lolita.

Hymenoplasty is considered a simple surgery that lasts up to an hour. And the recovery period after this type ofintimate plastics simple and non-durable (about a week).

Intimate surgery for physiological readings

Paradoxically, at the time, while some of the fair sex crook want to regain the status of a virgin, a certain number of girls with this status would love to say goodbye, but can not.

Problems associated with excessive density of the hymen, also addressed. And to solve them using this kind of intimate plastics as synthetic defloration.

Moreover,Intimate surgery for women shows when necessary vaginal constriction due to aging changes or after childbirth.

Intimate surgery: Labiaplasty

Labiaplasty - is one of the most commonintimate plasticsWhich provides for the correction of small or large labia.

The purpose of the surgery on the labia lips may be the elimination of asymmetry or elongation (elongation). Traces of such an operation are practically invisible, since after all the necessary manipulations are closed with stitches of bioresorbable fibers. The timing of surgery is about 40 minutes and it is carried out under local anesthesia.

Intimate surgery for womenWhich provides plastic labia majora, is carried out to reduce the size or eliminate sagging of the intimate areas.

Usuallylabial held in the first days after menstruation. Special medical indications for Labiaplasty does not exist. However labial allows using surgery to remove the aesthetic problems and problems in sexual life.

Before deciding to conduct this type ofintimate plasticsAs labial, we must understand that every woman is unique, respectively, there is no ideal size or ideal form of small and large labia.

If you do decide on a surgical intervention, asintimate plastic, reviews clients selected for this procedure clinics would be very useful. Well, special attention should be given information that will carry you to the doctor during the preoperative consultation.

Undoubtedly, intimate plastic for many women is the beginning of a new round of sexual activity and the ability to feel more attractive, closer to the ideal. But women's magazine JustLady still advises objectively and responsibly to the decision on the need for an intimate plastics. Learn all contraindications for such an operation, listen carefully to the doctor who will be able to objectively assess the need for correction of intimate areas, and only then, after weighing all the "pros" and "cons", decides to carry out surgery.

 Inna Dmitrieva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: plastic Review