How to tighten sagging cheeks

How to tighten sagging cheeks
 There are many causes of sagging skin on the cheeks. Eliminate this disease is possible by surgery if special exercises to tighten already does not help. However, please note that this operation often has a number of side effects. In any case, consultation with a specialist is never superfluous.
 The most common causes of sagging cheeks are as follows:

- Overweight;
- Genetic predisposition;
- Age manifestation of the skin;
- Sun exposure (UV radiation negatively affects the skin, destroying its cover);
- Addictions (alcohol, smoking).

Exercises to tighten sagging cheeks

1. The head lift up and slowly turn to the right. Fix in this position for 3-5 seconds, feeling the tension of the muscles. Now head to the left, expand smoothly. Also remaining in this position for 3-5 seconds. This exercise is recommended to carry out throughout the day, for 6-8 turns in each direction.

2. Turn head to the left and slightly upward. Actively move the lips for 30-40 seconds. Make a little rest and repeat the movement. Repeat this exercise with a turn of the head to the right. Suffice it to perform 10-12 per day for best results.

3. Vigorous neck turns left and right also contribute to the strengthening of the skin on the cheeks.

4. Head to the left and try to expand as much as possible to put on top of the lower lip. Fix in this position for 10-15 seconds. Now relax. Return to starting position. Repeat the exercise with a turn to the right.

Beauty treatments

1. Bioreinforcement. Thanks injected under the skin hyaluronic acid is amplified production of elastin and collagen in fibroblasts cells. Efficiency of the procedure is maintained for 1-2 years. Already after the first injection, you will experience a visible result. Your skin will be more hydrated and smooth.

2. Biorevitalization. This procedure leads to the transformation of the natural structure of the epidermis, restoring mikrotserkulyatsiyu cells, moisturizing and protecting it from free radicals and UV rays. Thus, you return the old skin tone, color and elasticity.

3. Mesotherapy. This procedure is an input into the subcutaneous layer of pharmacological agents. Thus, there is a transformation and rejuvenation of the face.

Tags: person, problem, care, exercise, treatment